Tips In Boosting Metabolism

August 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Thomas Stone

Tips In Boosting Metabolism – Health

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Tips In Boosting Metabolism

Metabolism is an important process that involves the conversion of food into fuel or energy, which your body uses for body functions or repairs. This process also involves the storage of fat that will be converted into energy for future use.

When a person has a slow metabolism, he or she burns calories less effectively, resulting in the storage of unwanted calories that become body fat. On the contrary, having a fast metabolism provides a more effective burning of calories and less storage of excess fats.

Boosting metabolism is important, especially for people who need to lose weight, those who are diagnosed with metabolic disorders and people who are experiencing a decrease in metabolic rate due to aging.

Factors To Consider In boosting Metabolism

In boosting metabolism effectively, you need to understand your body’s metabolic needs and usage of calories. Metabolic needs of your body is the amount of energy required for your body to function daily, while the calorie usage is the amount of calories burned during these bodily functions, such as moving or thinking.

A person’s metabolic rate is the degree and efficiency of how your body performs with daily body tasks. In boosting metabolism, you first need to determine your “basal or resting metabolic rate”, which varies from one person to the next. The basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories you need to burn to convert into energy that your body needs to keep tissues and organs working properly. As a rule of thumb, the heavier you are, the more calories you need to fuel important body processes.

However, boosting your metabolism is not as easy as it may seem. Since several factors determine a person’s metabolic rate, different approaches are used to boost up metabolism.

For instance, genes play an important role in one’s metabolism because some people are born with fast metabolisms, while others have slower metabolism. Another factor you need to consider in boosting metabolism is age. Be aware that as people age, the amount of calorie requirement decreases.

One of the most important factors to examine is your level of physical activity and muscle development. Exercise is the most effective way of boosting metabolism because it promotes your body to metabolize faster even after your exercise. In addition, people with more muscles have better chances of boosting metabolism because the more muscles you develop, the more effective burning of calories become.

Of course, you should never forget to look after nutrition because boosting metabolism involves a proper supply of different nutrients, regular exercise and lifestyle changes. Lose weight, treat metabolic disorder and defy the signs of aging by keeping your metabolism at normal levels.

For more information on how to Maximize Your Metabolism in thirty days just follow thislink and sign-up to get your Free E-class 8 Simple Steps. Learn all the Latest Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Metabolism, Burn Off Unresponsive Body-Fat, and Develop An Abundance Of Energy!

About the Author

Thomas Stone is a physical fitness enthusiast with a deep understanding of the importance of a Healthy Metabolism.You may read more on Thomas’s Blog

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Thomas Stone

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Thomas Stone is a physical fitness enthusiast with a deep understanding of the importance of a Healthy Metabolism.You may read more on Thomas’s Blog

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

There are a number of things a person can do to increase metabolism naturally, including physical activity with exercises that alternate between cardiovascular and strength training. Learn about foods with thermogenic properties, such as green tea, with help from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on exercise and metabolism.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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