Tips On The Federal Bureau Of Investigations Physical Fitness Test

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Advice On The FBI PFT Test

If you’ve dreamed of one day working for the federal government as an FBI special agent then you must know one thing – the selection process won’t be easy. The first hurdle in your quest to become a FBI special agent is the physical fitness test. That’s why I recommend that every recruit follow an FBI Workout Program prior to taking the fitness test.

The FBI physical fitness test, which I believe is one of the toughest in law enforcement will be a major stumbling block if you aren’t physically ready. My best guess is that 50% will fail the test on their first attempt. Honestly if you are overweight or out of shape, I wouldn’t bother applying. Why? you don’t want to send a bad message.

You see, first impression means everything in law enforcement so if you arrive to the test site grossly out of shape, you maybe forever tagged by the people administering the test (some of which are FBI agents).

I may be wrong on this, but I wouldn’t chance it by arriving at the FBI pft test in poor shape. The best way to quickly improve your cardiovascular conditioning, strength, and anaerobic power is by doing high intensity interval training. If you’ve ever played sports in your lifetime, you’ve done some form of interval training.

Why interval training?

Well the FBI agility test evaluates applicants on three major fitness categories. The first fitness test evaluates your aerobic power (1.5 mile run), and then your anaerobic power (300 meter sprint) and finally your overall strength (push-ups & sit-ups).

All three major fitness categories can be improved relatively quickly if you add interval training to your daily workout routine.

In Conclusion

Whether you’re preparing for your first FBI physical fitness test or you’re retaking it after failing it the first time through, you need to follow an FBI Workout Program to maximize your results. And the best way to get started is by download a FBI workout routine including a daily meal plan at

Officer Forestal has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, 8 years law enforcement experience and is a graduate of the 2002 Police Corps, where he was recognized as an expert shooter. Former Collegiate all-American, certifield personal trainer and author of several fitness and police related books such as the Police Oral Board Success Guide, and Police Exam For Dummies. As a Law Enforcement enthusiast, E.L. has helped hundreds of candidates “ACE” their respective entrance exam and the oral board interview.

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