Toning Workouts for Women that Will Make You Look Drop Dead Gorgeous

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Luis Eduardo

Toning Workouts for Women that Will Make You Look Drop Dead Gorgeous – Health – Fitness

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Are you looking for the best toning workouts for women? Did you know that you can exercise from the privacy of your own house doing simple body weight exercises that will speed up your metabolism? Weight exercises for women are very easy to do. They are the best way for a busy mom or business woman to get in a quick workout in her busy schedule. Although there are many exercises that can be done I will only show you 2 so that you can get started right away. Body Weight Squat and its BenefitsOne of the most hated exercises is the squat and the reason for this is because it often leaves you sore. The truth of the matter is that this hated exercise actually burns more belly fat than a 20 minute cardio session and this is why so many people consider it one of the best toning workouts for women. An easier way to do this exercise without using weights is to use your own body weight as resistance. Simply place your hands behind your head and keep your posture straight. Try not to slouch because this will prevent you from getting the best benefit out of the exercise. Squat down 15 times then rest 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds do another body weight exercise so that you can incorporate this exercise in a circuit. The bodyweight squat is one of the best toning workouts for women that gives fast results in minimum time. The Best Arm Toning Workouts for Women The push-up is one of the best weight exercises for women to tone their arms and condition their core. Simply lay on your stomach on the floor then with your arms try to push your whole body up. Keep your body in a straight line as you come up. Although this is a very effective exercise, it can also be one of the hardest weight exercises for women to perform. If you find that it is very hard for you then keep your knees on the floor for added support. As you get stronger eventually you will be able to lift your whole body.

About the Author

Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training

Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=””>

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Luis Eduardo

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Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training

Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=””>

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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