Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Jeff Hudson

Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Muscle building can be done as a career or leisure on the account where people desire to cut weight. Reps and sets in various exercises are vital when one looks forward to achieving great muscle body. Reps is the short term of the word repetition while sets are made up of several reps. A bicep curl up and down can be said to be a rep while repletion of the same procedure several times seemingly becomes a set and thus reps and sets. Whenever you are working out, you need to come up with a method in which you will definitely build muscles from. Although reps and sets can be categorized as part of these endeavors, they can only enhance muscle building in connection with other tools of exercises. In a common gym, there are many items that instructors use while training. The barbell for example a barbell which is a common piece of gym workout tool is primarily used to build your triceps and the chest dependence of how you use it. By using a bench press, the barbell will give you an experience that conforms to the right muscle builds. Any time a barbell is being used; there is always a handler to assist the lifter in case the weight overwhelms him or her. As a matter of fact, there are various reported cases of broken ribs amongst few people who choose to pump without an assistant. Another very important piece of equipment that has always been echoed as important in any weight lifting exercise is the dumbbell. The dumbbell which comes in two has always been said to be good in the case where an individual wishes to save money. This is because while trying to work the muscles on your triceps, it has been said that with a proper use of the dumbbell the results would significantly be greater than imagined. The following are the top ten muscle building exercises of all time.

A seated calve raise is one way of working out the lower leg muscle which is achieved by rarely bending the knee as well as avoiding shoulder raise and thus maintaining the proportional calve raise.

When you hear of the word dips, what should come into your mind is probably the dumbbell. This is because this piece of gym equipment can be used to enhance your triceps on a bench press by hanging them on the feet which makes sure that your feet don’t move upwards while lying on the bench press. The advantage with the dips is that you get to choose which muscle to target.

The EZ bar is practically important when it comes to developing your biceps. Reps and sets on the standing barbell curl will would bring about the curls on those biceps. It is not wrong to lift weights that may be a bit heavier during a barbell curl.

Ever wondered how you can build your shoulders? You need to undergo a special gym workout exercise referred to as a shoulder press. This is achieved whether seated or on your feet. The tools to use here would be dumbbells. It is also said depending on your training routine, the barbell can also be used for thicker shoulder builds.

Do you desire a V shape look on your body? You need to exercise the bent over row exercise. The bench here is used by the trainee to lean on it while he or she exercises with the dumbbell.

A leg press is another world class exercise that can be included in this list. It is more related to squatting.

The development of the back muscles has always been left out while exercising. Chin up is the method to achieve great muscle builds in the back shoulder forms.

Another category that we can never vote out is the dead lift. It is also used to workout the back although just as the name suggests, there are certain risks of killing off your back! So care and caution must be taken however if you survive, the results are great.

Bench press is one of the common muscle building exercises that are used to develop the chest to the right proportion. You can follow the traditional techniques of raised, lowered or flat press to achieve numerous different results.

The squat is the other muscle building exercise, though old fashioned, can really present good results.

Exercises are generally important whenever you need to stay fit. They are used by people who need to cut weight as well as burn fat. So if you are in this category don’t just sit, do something!

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Jeff Hudson

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Get a ripped body….FAST: Hey what’s up guys in this video I show you a unique bicep workout I call running the rack, in which I use to get bigger biceps. (1:44) Hammer Curls(Running The Rack Workout Technique). (6:21) Straight Bar Curls(Workout). (8:25)Alternating Curls(Running The Rack Informational Technique). If you want to know the right exercises to sculpt a perfect “fitness model” body, check out this free video: I show you the tricks pro fitness models use to build perfect-looking physiques — the kind that make peoples’ jaws drop when you take off your shirt. If you’re in pretty good or “OK” shape right now, but you want to look GREAT…you’ve got to watch this video right now: -Mike #TrainHard!!! PS — Share this video with your friends on Facebook with this link:
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