Top 5 Shoulder Exercise For Maximum Strength

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Francois L. Botha

Building up strength in the shoulder region is an important part of any work-out, and when done correctly can protect the shoulder area from injuries which weak shoulders may sustain, either during training or in everyday life.

Make sure that you perform these correctly, using the correct form and utilizing the full range if motion for the muscles involved. This will help avoid injury and also ensure you get the maximum benefit from the work-out.

Always be sure of your physical fitness before embarking on any new regime, including this series of exercises.

Be sure to warm up the shoulders first with shoulder rolls, arm rotations and stretches before starting.

The first 4 exercises target the Anterior Deltoid muscles, while the 5th targets the Deltoid and Lateral muscles.

1. Military Press

It may be considered a bit old fashioned, but this standard exercise still offers exceptional upper torso strength. It can also be done from a seated position.

* Brace the abdominal region throughout the movement.* Stand erect with feet shoulder width apart.* Grasp the bar overhand, with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.* Do not allow your wrists to pull backwards – keep them rigid.* Breathe in and extend your arms straight up, slightly to the middle of the top of your head.* Extend the neck marginally, allowing the bar to move past the face.* Fully extend your arms at the top of the movement.* The bar should be straight over your head.* Pause briefly, maintain control, then lower it back down.* Repeat.

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This can be done seated or standing. Both the shoulder muscles and the triceps get a workout here.

* Grab a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.* Lift both dumbbells simultaneously to chin level.* Isolating shoulder muscles, lift both dumbbells overhead until they almost touch* Lower both back to chin level.* Repeat.

3. Lateral Raises

This can be done one arm at a time, and also using cables.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang down, palms facing.* Keeping elbows slightly bent, lift the arms sideways to shoulder height, so that you are in a ‘T’ stance.* Lower arms.* Repeat.

4. Front Dumbbell Raises

This can be done with both arms simultaneously and using a barbell or cables is also appropriate.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang down, palms facing the front of your thighs.* Keeping elbows slightly bent, lift one arm straight out in front of you to shoulder height.* Lower to starting position.* Repeat with your other arm.* Repeat, alternating arms.

5. Upright Row

This works the shoulders and biceps.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp the bar with shoulder width, or slightly narrower, overhand grip.* Pull the bar up to the neck with elbows leading.* Allow wrists to flex as bar rises.* Lower.* Repeat.

Always conclude any exercise session with some stretching to cool down the muscles.

Francois is a well-know author in the health and wellness field and is also associated with the top shoulder surgery and shoulder problems website in South Africa

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