Top Nutritious Foods That Helps in Weight Loss

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Boost Metabolism

Article by Rehash Morkey

Top Nutritious Foods That Helps in Weight Loss – Health – Weight Loss

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Many of us want to lose as much fats as we can for varied reasons. This may be because we want to look good with a slim body, or because we want to feel that we belong to the society we are living in now, or it can also be because of health reasons, so we live healthier and stronger lives. For whatever reason we want to lose weight, we can achieve this if we know what the foods for losing weight are. This article will help you a lot because we will discuss the top five nutritious foods that help reduce weight.

By knowing which foods to eat to reduce your weight, you’ll be able to quickly achieve your weight loss goals. I’ll also share with you some other things you can do that will help you speed up your weight loss process.

The first type of foods you should eat if you want to start losing weight fast is complex carbs. These are different than simple carbs. Complex carbs includes foods like red apples, oatmeal, whole wheat breads, whole wheat pastas, black beans, etc.

Low fat or dairy foods that are free of fat are one source of foods that help to speed up the chemical processes in the body. The main component in these foods is Calcium, which increases the body temperature thus helping faster conversion. This in turn improves the burning process of fats and calories and in the bargain helps an individual lose weight.

Green tea and coffee contain caffeine that increases the heart rate which in turn speeds the metabolic rate of the body. Another element called the Epigallo Catechin Gallate or ECGC is supposed to be really good for weight loss.

Below are our five leading foods for losing weight:

1. On top of our list are the Goji Berries. These are originally from China, but they are now available in other countries like the United States and Canada. These are small red berries known as powerful antioxidants. They help fight cancer cells from growing inside our bodies. They also contain beta-carotene and Vitamin C that give a boost to our immune system. They can help us prolong our life at the same time make us look younger. 2. Acai Berry is another fruit that can help you burn fat fast. With its rich fiber content, you will experience improved digestion and faster metabolism. 3. Raw Pumpkin Seed and Flax Seed can help us shed those pounds off with their magnesium and tryptophan contents. They make us feel full and aid in better digestion so we end up with less fat in our body. 4. Shellfish like clams and mussels are fat burners too with their iron, magnesium, and potassium. They also contain high fiber that helps us digest food faster. 5. Salmon, mackerel, and tuna, with their omega-3 fatty acids also allow us to lose weight at the same time fight cardiovascular diseases.

So, make sure you try to get low carb yogurt. Also, try to eat every two to three hours. This will help your body keep its metabolism up so that you’ll be burning fat all day long.

By eating healthy foods to lose weight, you should be able to achieve your weight loss goals. But there are a couple of other things you should do if you want to reduce your weight quickly.

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Visit to know about importance of salt. You will also get tips about food to reduce weight.

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Rehash Morkey

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Visit to know about importance of salt. You will also get tips about food to reduce weight.

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