Training Without Weights

February 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Luke Wilson

Working out without weights can be just as effective and sometimes more so then working out with weights, it all depend on what it is that you are trying to accomplish. I hope that this article will help to show you how to build and maintain muscle.

Before you begin any workout you should be sure to stretch, and warm up, you want to be sure to get the heart rate up for a more effective workout. If you are not really sure where you are on the health meter, you should check with your doctor before starting any new workout program. With all that aside it is time to get fit.

Just remember what you put into getting fit is what you are going to get out of it. Changing your diet is a big part of getting fit; anyone who suggests that it is not is not beginning straight with you. You do not have to up root you life to an extreme, but there will need to be a few sacrifices made.

The junk food for the most part will have to go. There are many options for those who chose to for go weight trying. The first exercise that comes to mind would be jogging or walking if you are not much of a runner.

Think about it, you have the benefit of being outside and getting fresh air, and you are also getting a good cardio workout. If the weather does not permit, you can always walk on the trend mill. If you do not have a trend mill walking or running in place can be just as effective.

If you have access to a pool or the beach, swimming is another great way to get a cardio workout. Swimming also tones and strengthens muscles. Push-ups are another great way to get some strength training without weights, as wells as sit-ups, crunches, squats, leg lunges, etc

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