Transverse Abdominal Exercises

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

The goal of abdominal exercises is to build muscle, but also to attain a flat, attractive stomach. This is where transverse abdominal exercises come in. The Transverse Abdominus is the stabilizing muscle that acts like a belt along with other abdominal muscles, to provide core stability and in keep your stomach shape.

First it’s important to understand how your transverse abdominal muscles function. More than anything else they are stabilizing and supporting muscles. This means that instead of performing a crunch or a sit-up, you should be performing exercises which force your muscles to be used in a stabilizing and supporting role.

Begin by lying on a flat surface, such as the floor or a bench. Make use of a mat or towel to support your spine. Bend your knees allowing your feet to lay flat on the floor, and then raise your pelvis (exclusively) off the floor, hold momentarily, and then return to initial position.

The most basic abdominal exercise is the Crunch, but even it is unable to work the transverse abdominals. Strengthening your transverse abdominals is a good idea. As the muscle group that is responsible for connecting the rectus abdominus with the lower back muscles it helps to form a girdle-like belt of support throughout the abdominal area.

In the myriad of information regarding how to get the perfect stomach, one group of muscles is often forgotten: the transverse abdominal muscles. Core muscles that are located below the rectus abdominus. Did you think traditional crunches worked all the stomach? Well, that is not the case. Traditional crunches do nothing for transverse abdominal muscles, despite the fact that they are very important because they connect to both the lower back muscles and the rectus abdominus.

Any stomach exercise routine aimed at developing your abs ought to consist of specific stomach exercises for the transverse abdominals. Try the following exercises for the abs and take some time to develop your abdominals and begin working to get the toned six pack abs you always desired.

Other exercises that you can use are the ones that as mentioned make use of rotational movement, or more complex and coordinated movements which bring many muscles into the scene. For example, hanging leg raises are great for the transverse abs, as are medicine ball toe touches or medicine ball twists.

Lie on a flat surface such as a bench or the floor using a mat or a towel to cushion youself. Bend you knees until your feet are flat on the floor. Keeping your upper body on the floor throughout slowly and with a controlled movement raise your hips from the floor. Hold it at that position for a few seconds at the top of the arc and then lower it slowly maintaining control throughout.

The transverse muscle layer is the innermost muscle layer in the abdomen, and if you tone this layer correctly, you will also be toning your pelvic floor muscles that hold up all the internal organs. You’ve probably heard of Kegel exercises… most of these are done incorrectly and are not as effective as they could be. By toning your transverse muscles you’ll be helping to strengthen your pelvic floor at the same time, which is great news for anyone, but especially for women who are or have been pregnant.

Maintain a neutral spine and brace your abs and, in a slow and controlled motion, extend your left leg toward the floor, straightening it while at the same time extending your opposite arm (right arm) behind your head so that it is now parallel to the floor. Ensure that the non-working arm and leg are stationary. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and then switch sides. Aim for 12 to 20 reps depending on your abdominal and core endurance.

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Your transverse abdominis is deep within the core of your abdominal muscles. Target your transverse ab muscles with the help of a certified personal trainer in this free video. Expert: Jason Morgan Contact: Bio: Jason Morgan works as a personal trainer in Carolina Beach, North Carolina, and holds a certification from The International Sports Sciences Association. Filmmaker: Rendered Communications Series Description: Abdominal workouts work the core muscles, upper and lower abs to blast fat and build muscle. Target your abs with the help of this free video series presented by a certified personal trainer.

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