Triceps Exercises for Women that Work

January 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Robert Fogarty

It seems as a woman gets older the more issues she has with her arms. When there is weight loss along with aging you end up with a lot of upper arm flab. This flab is unsightly and difficult to get rid of. With a few of the right exercises you will be able to get the well-toned arms of your youth. People who lose a lot of weight will also have a problem with upper arm flabbiness. Just like you exercise the rest of your body to get a toned body you must also do tricep exercises for women.

Some of the best exercises for the triceps are done using small weights called dumbbells. Usually a woman will use 5 to 10 pound weights to work their arms. You can exercise both arms at a time or one at a time. When you exercise one arm at a time always remember to do the same amount of repetitions for each arm. You don’t want to have one well worked arm and not the other.

Dumbbell use is important for building your triceps. You can build your triceps without ending up with too much muscle. Some women worry about working their arms too much. They are afraid they will end up with the look of a man’s toned and muscular arms. You can work your arms without an overabundance of muscle. It is actually a lot of work to get a man’s look on a woman.

Some of the best exercises include skull crusher, hanging dips, dumbbell triceps extensions and close grip push-ups. With some you will need dumbbells. The skull crusher is done by lying on a bench. You will use a small weight and will lift it over your head. You then will lower it towards your forehead. This is an exercise where you work out slowly. You will want to work on going as slow as possible.

The dumbbell tricepsextensions are done while sitting straight. It can also be done while standing. Hold the dumbbell over your head and slowly lower it behind your head. You will be bending your elbows for this one. Work slowly to get the most benefit out of it. You will grip the dumbbell with both hands and work both arms at the same time. It is also possible to work one arm at a time if you prefer.

Using these exercises you will be able to get the toned arms of your youth. You will no longer be ashamed of flabby arms. While working your arms you should consider working the rest of your body. You can lose weight and get toned all over with the right type of exercises. An exercise that will improve your circulation as well as burn calories is a cardio exercise and Tricep Exercises for Women. There are many types of cardio that you can do to burn calories and help you to lose weight. Remember to work your arms as well to fight the flab. You can have arms you will be proud of with a little work with weights.

If you would like to know more about this, you can visit the site at the following URL provided: Tricep Exercises for Women.

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