TT KettleBell Revolution system Chris Lopez review

July 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Steven Arifianto

TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez review – Health

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Hello and Welcome to this new review of a new product called TT KettleBell Revolution system produced by Chris Lopez. What is this exactly? Read my TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez review to find out all the answers…

The TT KettleBell Revolution system by Chris Lopez is a workout and fat loss program that is focused on the use of kettlebells as the primary workout tool.

As kettlebells have become increasingly popular recently, I decided to write this complete TT KettleBell Revolution review in which I go over exactly what this program has to offer, what sort of workouts it preaches and whether it is really a plan that can be used to lose body fat quickly.

So, let’s see what this program is all about…

Why Do Kettlebells Workouts?

Kettlebells offer a different workout experience that dumbbells do. The weight is not evenly distributed and it is easier to perform swing exercises that train your body in a way which is hard to simulate with regular weights.

A lot of people find kettlebells a useful tool that allows them to challenge their body in a unique way and contributes to their overall fitness. Kettlebell exercises usually work a variety of muscles together, so it is easy to do very short and effective workouts with kettlebells. They offer a great way to do circuit training at home.

TT Kettlebell Revolution – How Does It Work?

This program was created by Chris Lopez, a certified kettlebell coach, and Craig Ballantyne, a well known fitness trainer, author, and expert in short and explosive workouts. They worked together to create this program and the idea was to give men and women a new way to do short and highly intense workouts that can be used to tone muscles and to burn body fat quickly.

The program uses solely kettlebell exercises and bodyweight exercises. You don’t need any dumbbells or other weights. The workouts are made up of circuits and super-sets and the goal is to do total body workout routines quickly. This is a program for busy people and those who want to pack as much “punch” as possible into their workouts.

What You Need

To do the workouts you will need a kettlebell. You can find affordable kettlebells on Amazon. These come at a wide range of weights. Chris Lopez recommends that men begin with a 12kg kettlebell and for women to use a 4-8 kg one. You can also buy a set and use different weights for each exercise as you see fit.

TT Kettlebell Revolution Exercises

The program is divided into 4 phases:

A prep phase of one week in which you get used to working with kettlebells. The workouts here are generally light and should not pose a real problem to you.Three phases of 4 weeks each in which the workouts get gradually harder and harder as you go along.During each of the 3 main phases of the program you perform 3 intense metabolic resistance training workouts each week. During another 3 days you’re asked to do light activity and on the seventh day you need to rest completely.Each of the workouts in TT Kettlebell should take under 30 minutes to complete. You get videos which show each of the exercises and written explanations with pictures to go along with them. Chris Lopez does a good job in showing you how to perform each exercise correctly.

A Few Clarifications

1. You can use this plan even if you’re a complete beginner. You will simply need to use a light kettlebell and slowly get used to the exercises. Because these exercises are very different from those done with dumbbells, even seasoned trainees will need some time to get used to them.

2. This program can be used by men and women both. In fact, one of the bonuses of TT Kettlebell Revolution is a specific workout plan for women which focuses on those body parts which many women have trouble with. Women can achieve fantastic results with kettlebells.

3. You won’t become a bodybuilder with kettlebells but this doesn’t mean that you can’t build muscles with these workouts. In fact, the workouts that Chris Lopez created train your entire body in a balanced way so you should get a total body muscle tone that is lean, firm, and not bulky.

Pros and Cons Of TT Kettlebell Revolution


This program is well-written and gives you exactly what is promised: a powerful workout plan to be done with kettlebells for fat loss and muscle toning.Comes with videos and detailed explanations.The workouts do not require a lot of time to complete.The program includes plenty of core and stability exercises.If you follow these workouts you will achieve results.Cons:The nutrition section in this program is pretty short and basic. So, don’t expect to learn any diet secrets from this plan. This is strictly a workout program.Getting kettlebells does cost money so you need to consider that before you get the program.

so what are you waiting for? click this link and buy the product, make your life better from here, no cases will be cleared if you leave it behind and ignore it, make your life better from now on.

Click Here! For official website.

About the Author

Chris Lopez

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Steven Arifianto

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Chris Lopez

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