Turbo Jam – What is Turbo Training?

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Tiffany Brunskole

You may have seen the infomercial for Turbo Jam or heard about it from a friend and wanted to know exactly what turbo training was and what all the fuss was about the training technique. Fitness expert Chalene Johnson developed Turbo Jam a few years ago after extensive teaching and learning about the fitness world and what worked and what did not. Chalene has been involved in fitness since she was a young girl and her mom taught jazzercise classes. She knows what she is talking about and wanted to help others get the lean and toned body they have dreamed up, which is why she developed Turbo Jam.

A recent study done on Turbo Jam showed that a person could burn up to 700 calories in one of the 45 minute workout sessions. This is more than what has been found to be burned in that amount of time by other cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, biking, and even regular circuit training. When you choose to use the Turbo Jam gloves you can easily increase the burned calories to close to 1,000. So, how exactly does Turbo Jam work and what is turbo training?

Chalene Johnson uses 11 different basic moves in her Turbo Jam workouts called the “elite 11.” The moves were designed by her to engage the abdominals and work the entire body to get a lean and sleek body. They especially target the core muscles through her technique of tilting and tightening the abs in every move you perform. Turbo training involves these 11 moves, which are inspired by martial arts and dance, and taking them to the next level.

During each one of the Turbo Jam workouts, Chalene has added a time that is about 1-2 minutes long in which she turbocharges the workout. This means that she pushes the person to the max to get their heart rate up and pumping for that time. It is the time in the workout that a person is to push themselves to work as hard as possible. This is then followed by a small period of rest (still moving though) and then usually another sequence and the final section of the workout. This little super charge of energy actually benefits the person more than they know. This is what turbo training is all about. That surge in energy triggers your body to release more endorphins and pushes you into a higher fat burning zone. You will continue to burn calories several hours after you finish the Turbo Jam workout.

Turbo training is not complex and can easily be done by beginners. Turbo Jam uses turbo training to give each person a unique workout that is like no other.

Tiffany Brunskole is a writer for Surfer Body Fitness, an Online retailer who specializes in workout products and supplies from Beachbody fitness such as P90X. P90X can help you burn more calories and achieve weight loss faster.

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