Twinlab Glutamine Fuel, 18 Ounce

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • 18 Ounces Powder
  • Serving Size: 1 teaspoonful (5 g)
  • 100 Servings Per Container

Product Description
Dietary Supplement. Anabolic Amino Acid. Strength. The Science Behind the Size: Product – 4500 mg of pure L-Glutamine, the most abundant free amino acid in skeletal muscle, essential to serious athletes. Result – Increase growth hormone release and enhance muscle metabolism. Science – Research shows that glutamine produces an anti-catabolic (muscle sparing) effect. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not inte… More >>

Twinlab Glutamine Fuel, 18 Ounce

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