Unique Ab Exercises

August 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Chris Watson

Unique Ab Exercises – Health – Fitness

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Sometimes the best ab exercises to get six pack abs are the ones you wouldnt even think are the abdominal exercises. Believe it or can not get a great set of abs even make a single abdominal crunch.

Ripped abs make a good physique and is the centerpiece of the body, as soon as his shirt off automatically eyes focused on the stomach, so build your abs to be proud.

Weight and weight exercises do not involve the core of your body will indirectly work the abdominals. If you train with weights regularly and have a low percentage of body fat abs show without making a single ab exercise.

The following video shows some of the best abdominal exercises to really engage the base, without a single crisis or sit.

The squat bar overhead as demonstarte as the first exercise in this video that are essentially preformed a squat while holding a light barbell over his head. This exercise actually involves the nucleus and extends all the abdominal muscles.

Following abdominal exercises, which is one of the best abdominal exercises for the obliques (love handles) is the woodcutter. The video is demonstate with a band yet, you can use a pulley or a weight or simply to hold everything is a light middleweight.

The kettlebell get new business is another great exercise for the abdominal muscles and you do not have access to kettlebells then anything you can hold in your hands and carry out this exercise works well.

These three exercises can be combined into a mini workout for the abs. If you are serious about developing a great physique and I’m not just talking about your abs then you need a complete training program and nutrition plan.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is a complete training system that focuses on not only the development of abdominal muscles, but in developing and toning your entire body.

This program has been shown to develop six pack abs in about 6 weeks and contains large abdominal exercises to do this.

My favorite part of this electronic book is chapter 5.5, which basically describes the ab programs that only have about 5 10 minutes per session. Its crazy to think that this is all you need to develop a great looking abs.

About the Author

For more unique ab exercises and a free guide to home ab workouts.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Chris Watson

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For more unique ab exercises and a free guide to home ab workouts.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

This is a video showing how to use the kettle bell and how to perform AB exercises. The kettle bell is an excellent way to build lean muscle mass and get stronger and more fit. I fell in love with the kettle bell about 14 months ago and it is by far my favorite way to build muscle. It’s fun and effective! I have LOST 120 POUNDS in the past 2 years! The kettle bell is one more way I stay on track and stay fit. I have made many mistakes in order to find success. Find out how to lose weight and get healthy once and for all. Don’t make the same mistakes I did! Follow my Weight Loss & Fitness Blog, “MY BETTER HALF” @ www.halfofgabby.blogspot.com FIND OUT HOW I LOST ALL MY WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY!!!!! This video doesn’t clearly show the written kettle workout, YOU CAN FIND THIS KETTLE BELL AB WORKOUT WRITTEN IN IT’S ENTIRITY on my blog in the article entitled “MY KETTLE BELL VIDEOS…” (look to the right under Archive in the March 2011 section). IN THIS BLOG ARTICLE, YOU WILL ALSO FIND FULL KETTLE BELL WORKOUTS ON ARMS AND LEGS WRITTEN IN THEIR ENTIRITY. That’s 3 FULL KETTLEBELL WORKOUTS!!!! Come get started on your own weight loss and fitness journey!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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