Upper Back Pain Exercises That Work – 3 Effective Exercises to Relieve Your Back Pain

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Many health conditions can be minimized with the right exercises. To reduce your upper back pain, exercises will need to be light to moderate to ensure you do not cause further damage to your back.

You should also speak with your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen. Your doctor should be able to assist you in finding the perfect exercise regimen to meet your overall needs.

Upper back pain exercises are not difficult and generally should not cause you to be in more pain. By exercising the upper back muscles on a regular basis you are giving them essential flexibility to avoid future pain. In addition to the prevention of back pain you can also reduce existing pain with the right exercises.

Here are some recommended exercises that you should discuss with your doctor:

1. The first exercise is the Pec Stretch. You will need to stand in a doorway for this.

Grab onto both sides of the frame and lean forward. You should begin feeling your chest muscles tightening. Hold your position for about 15 seconds and then release. You should do this particular exercise in intervals of three.

2. The second exercise is called Mid Trap Exercise. For this exercise you should lay flat, with your stomach to the ground/floor. You will need a pillow. It should be put under your chest for this exercise. Your hands should be at your sides but outstretched.. Raise your hands slightly into the air until you begin feeling the tension. Essentially you should be squeezing your shoulder blades together. Repeat this for at least 10 times.

3. The final exercise you should consult with your doctor about is the Arm Slides. This is another very simple exercise to do.

All you need is a wall for this exercise. You need to stand flush against the wall with your palms facing out. Move your hands slowly but constantly up the wall. Once your hands are over your head you can slowly glide them back down to your sides on the wall. Repeat this at least 10 times.

As you can see, upper back pain exercises are fairly simple. Taking a few minutes a day out of your hectic schedule could prove to be in your best interest if you want to avoid upper back pain. These exercises should be done even on the days that you are not suffering from back pain, to prevent future back pain.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading researcher in the area of natural remedies and offers back pain solutions. Discover how you can get rid of your back pain using simple remedies that are proven and effective. Visit his blog now for more useful articles such as: Severe Back Pain Treatment

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