Upper Chest Workout

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Are you one of the 9 in 10 guys that is unhappy with the way your chest looks? Well, there is good news, an upper chest workout can change the way your chest looks in short period of time.

Most guys don’t go to the gym and then wonder why they don’t look good with their shirts off. Others go to the gym on a regular basis but still don’t have the results that they desire. I am going to tell you how you can get a great looking chest by focusing on the most important part.

What is an upper chest workout?

It is a workout that focuses on training the upper most part of the chest. To do this you have to do all your lifts on an inclined bench instead of a flat one.

You will notice that you are much weaker in the upper chest than the rest of the chest. You will have to do lighter weight and that is normal. Plan on doing about three fourths of the weight that you would use on the flat bench.

I recommend doing dumbbell presses instead of using the bar because you shoulders will be able to move in their range of motion that is comfortable to them instead of being forced in awkward positions.

Start training on the incline bench now and make sure you do a really light warm-up set before starting because you don’t want to put too much stress on the shoulder joint. You will notice that your chest will look better than ever before when you focus on upper chest exercises.

Click here for an upper chest workout routine. And read more here on the best chest exercises for men.

Related Upper Chest Exercises Without Weights Articles

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