Using Kettlebells for Weight Loss

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

For people who yearn to drop weight, kettlebells are a promising contrivance. You may think these are just the most modern weight loss fad however there is ample history and science behind kettlebells to show that they really can be useful. Moreover, they are adaptable enough that you can use them at home, a fitness center or even in your office. Let’s look at how this interesting fitness movement can help you to get into better shape and lose those extra pounds.

The most basic kettlebell exercise is probably the swing. To perform this simple exercise, pick up the kettlebell from a standing position and swing it between your legs. This exercise puts the emphasis on your hips and legs rather than the upper body and can be performed with one or both hands. Use a fluid, relaxed motion to do the swing, inhaling on the way down and exhaling at the top of the movement. When you do this exercise, you work many muscle groups as well as raising your heart rate so you will definitely burn calories. When you start out, make sure you’re using a weight that you’re comfortable with to avoid the risk of injury. One of the advantages of kettlebells is there is a wide variety of exercises you can do with them. Kettlebells allow you to work many different muscle groups, improve aerobic fitness, and burn fat in one workout. The kettlebell lunge is among the best exercises for weight loss and for improving fitness. You begin this simple exercise by standing up straight and holding the kettlebell in one hand with your palm facing your body. Then, simply step back with one leg while bending the front knee. At the same time, pass the kettlebell between your legs, shifting it to the other hand. After you complete a set of 8 repetitions on one side, change off to the other side.

Some people don’t understand the value of resistance training when it comes to losing weight, thinking that they only have to do cardio workouts. As well as being as effective as cardio for burning fat and losing weight, weight training also offers benefits like improving the condition of your muscles and joints. Doing a good kettlebell workout means you don’t need to do anything else since they are a more efficient type of resistance training that also gives you aerobic benefits. This means you save time by not needing to do two types of workouts. You should be prepared, however, for working out intensely if you want good results!

Kettlebells may be the tool that helps you work out consistently and lose any excess weight. They offer a total body workout that includes both cardio and resistance training. Like any other exercise routine, you need to take it seriously and give it time to actually work. Kettlebells aren’t a new exercise routine but they may be the workout of the future.

Joe has been a full time internet marketer for about a year now, as an IT consultant he is interested in using technology and sometimes writes on this anonymous surfing blog. He also uses this technology to allow him to watch UK tv abroad as well as protecting his privacy.

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