Various San Diego Boot Camps

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Ben Pate

When someone talks about going to a San Diego boot camp workout, you may think that they mean the boot camp that recruits have to endure when they join either the Navy or the Marines. You might also think that they are talking about a prison boot camp that juvenile offenders have to attend or one that children with behavioral issues have to go to. These are several examples but there are also boot camps that involve fitness and personal training.

There are many programs throughout the San Diego area that involve fitness, including adventure and outdoor camps. Several companies offer boot camps style conditioning classes that include muscle strengthening, cardiovascular, core exercises and agility drills. They use a variety of exercise equipment, including dumbbells, medicine balls, jump ropes and agility ladders. One company also offers training programs at the beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert levels.

One such physical fitness program is only for women. It lasts for four weeks and at the end of the program, you will have lowered your body fat, lost weight and increased your stamina. Your posture will improve and you will have gained self-confidence. Many of these programs have been developed by trainers to target the most popular female fitness issues.

One type of camp centers around people and their pets. Many pet owners feel bad about going out for a jog or going to the gym while their faithful pet has to remain at home. This new program involves an exercise routine for you while you train your dog to be obedient. This is an interesting way to multitask, especially when you feel that you barely have enough time to exercise. Now you can include your best friend in your daily routine.

An interesting San Diego Boot Camp is known as a wilderness boot camp. This is designed as a therapy program for children and teens who have behavioral issues. Several methods of intervention are utilized by the therapists to address substance abuse in teens and provide family counseling which is very important in resolving family issues and help in relationship building between the parents and their children.

One company also offers fitness vacations where you backpack for one to two weeks and lose weight in the process. If you are overweight or just an older individual who is still interested in backpacking but prefer to take it slow, these types of vacations might be just right for you.

There is a project management boot camp that is given by one of the local colleges that spans the length of four days. In this course, the students learn project management skills as well as budget creation which can be used in their careers. Some companies also have programs that assist you in developing your home-based business. They also revolve around teaching people to be recruiters for major businesses. Since these programs last only a few days, many people view them as being very intense.

Most of the San Diego bootcamp workout involve fitness techniques developed by different trainers but there are those that are either business oriented or address behavioral issues in children and young adults. Many of these boot camp work out programs can also be found in other areas of the country but the weather in the San Diego area is advantageous for the outdoor and wilderness camps.

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