Velocity Fitness Magnetic Rower

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Rowers

  • Resistance: DMC System (Drum Magnetic Control)
  • Electronic tension control
  • Large PU molded saddle & Foldable and space saving
  • The machine comes equipped with a heart rate monitor chest strap to monitor your heart rate for intense cardio training
  • Beam: Anodized Aluminum Profile + rectangular tubing support.

Product Description
Velocity Fitness CHR-2001 Programable Magnetic Rower allows you to get an effective workout in the comfort of your own home. Features a Drum Magnetic Control System (DMC), electronic tension control and is foldable making it convenient for storage when not in use. It has a large PU mouled saddle for maximum comfort and the beam is made of anodized aluminum profile and rectangular tubing support. Unit is also equiped with built in transportation wheels. The computer … More >>

Velocity Fitness Magnetic Rower

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