Vpx Protein Rush, Cookies & Cream, 17fl. oz.

October 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Milk

  • 40 g high grade protein
  • 7 Stage protein complex
  • Best tasting
  • Designed to increase Lean muscle and reduce body fat
  • Best muscle protein on the market

Product Description
Gaining muscle is always about providing your body with the essential amino acids needed to build dense, thick, hard slabs of beef. you wouldn’t build a skyscraper with chopsticks would you? hell no! so if you want to build a muscular physique, you need to drink protein rush. with 40 grams of the highest quality hypertrophy producing proteins, vpx has done it again with protein rush! with a fast-acting protein like whey protein, protein rush is guaranteed to get t… More >>

Vpx Protein Rush, Cookies & Cream, 17fl. oz.

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