VPX Ultra Pure Glutamine Powder, 700 grams

February 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Pharmaceutical grade l-glutamine
  • Highest quality of glutamine
  • Mix one teaspoon of ultra pure glutamine with 8oz of water or your favorite beverage
  • This supplement can also be taken on an empty stomach prior to retiring to significantly increase growth hormone output
  • The ultra pure glutamine/zero impact mrp supplement strategy should always be utilized 30 minutes following an intense workout

Product Description
Ultra Pure Glutamine Powder provides 400 Grams of Pure L-Glutamine.Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, comprising more than 60 percent of the free amino acid pool in skeletal muscle and more than 20 percent of total circulating amino acids. This conditionally essential amino acid is extremely important in overall health, athletics and in building and maintaining muscle. For example, hormones destructive to muscle and brain tissue such as cortisol … More >>

VPX Ultra Pure Glutamine Powder, 700 grams

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