Warning to Body Builders – Dos and Don’ts For Exercise

December 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Body Builders

Article by Gaetane Ross

For many people their exercise program begins the day they no longer like what they see in the mirror. Sadly, a lot of people do not have the will power or the drive to actually see any results from their exercise.

If you are like many other people today looking for advice to get you going and then maintaining your exercise routine, you have come to the right site. Take a deep breath, shore up your perseverance and check out the tips below that will help you become healthy and fit. These ideas can get you started on a training program and help you stick to it.

Don’t overdo it! The first big mistake most people make is to begin an exercise program with unrealistic expectations. They go full steam ahead trying to burn off fat that they have put on over many years in one exercise session. There are many ill effects that can happen from this approach.

1. Injury- If you try too hard too soon you could injure yourself. You can simply push your body too far with sudden physical exertion that you are not used to. Add to this hard pounding routine a lack of proper warm up and cool down sessions and you have a great recipe for disaster. This type of exercise routine will get you hurt and set you back for some time.

2. Burn Out- You do not want to burn out after only a few training sessions. Remember, that training should be consistent and intense. If you lack either of these qualities in your routine, you will have no results and a heaping lot of frustration.

If you will start at a comfortable pace and consistently increase the intensity over time, say about 10% per week, you will avoid both injury and burn out. This is a great way to avoid overdoing things at the outset.

3. Balance- You need a good balance to your regimen, too many people will hyper focus on one area of the body. This is never recommended for the long term. It is better to have a whole body regimen than singling out specific areas; this is healthier and may spur weight loss or muscle development for your chosen area. You see the body is not a collection of parts working independently of one another, it is a system. Developing any one part of the body means looking at the whole.

Lack of balance takes you back to injury as well, your risks increase when you are focused on one area. Avoid this type of work out altogether.

4. Nutrition- Often times when people are trying to lose weight they will drastically cut their calories. This is a bad idea overall. When dieting remember you should never cut more than half of your caloric intake, any more than that, your body can go into starvation mode where it hangs on to the fat stores you have. Basically, your metabolism will slow to a crawl making it even more difficult to lose weight.

Don’t forget the water! You will find that some people tend to shy away from many kinds of fluids just to achieve a lower weight. The problem is water is vitally important to your workout. When you stay properly hydrated your bodily functions work correctly and often you will flush toxins and fat from the body, which makes losing weight easier.

Don’t forget to eat well. You should eat a healthy balanced lunch or breakfast. For supper you can go light and just have a snack or skip the meal entirely, however never skip the first meal of the day.

Do Persevere! After the new wears off your new gym clothes and walking shoes, you may find yourself avoiding exercise again. Be on the lookout for this type of behavior and snap out of it when you slip. Set and keep realistic weight loss and body building goals. You will have to work hard to attain them, but nothing is better than enjoying your image in the mirror.

Any time you feel like quitting or you need some motivation remind yourself of your goals. Now that you have a few great tools, what are you waiting for? Plan and execute your exercise regimen today!

Your mind will be your most powerful weapon; a great looking body demands the use of your mind. It will be what helps you develop your plan and stick to it. In the end you will find that you can attain an exercise routing that is both rewarding and fulfilling, which equals a routine you can keep for life.

Regardless of what your reasons are, exercise is a great way to look and feel fantastic. Thebottom line is you need to work out and the gym is the best place to do that. Why not your own“Home Fitness Gym” stocked with dozens of pieces of equipment. A good place to start is right here:

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