Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Andrew Stratton

Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck – Health

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A tummy tuck isn’t designed to get rid of lots of body weight but rather to tighten up the midsection. Some of the reasons for having a stretched out belly region includes pregnancy, rapid weight loss, and aging. The older a person gets, the harder it is for his or her tissue to snap back into place after it’s been stretched out.

Skin has quite a bit of elasticity when we’re younger but gradually loses that capability over time. After it’s been stretched, as in a pregnancy, sometimes it just stays that way long after the baby has been born. Not only does the external skin of the midsection become saggy but the inner corset of connective tissue gets pulled out of shape as well.

That inner corset is designed to hold in our internal organs such as intestines, stomach, kidneys and more. Without the tight compression of the connective tissue, a substantial pooch will occur. Abdominoplasty is another name for the tummy tuck and this cosmetic operation will create a flat, taut abdomen. But a patient should be at or near his or her ideal weight before having the surgery. If he or she needs to still lose additional pounds after the abdominoplasty, this could very well result in additional loose, saggy skin. Here are some ways to get in shape before your procedure:

-Diet: Eating a healthy and nutritious diet will be important before and after the operation. It’s a wise move to get into the habit of adhering to the food pyramid’s foundation of whole grains, lean proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits further up the pyramid and just a tiny amount of fats and sweets at the top of the triangular model.

-Cooking at home: Preparing meals at home will save on calories as well as money. Restaurant meals can take a toll on one’s budget. When you cook for yourself, you can control the portion size, the amount of oil or butter that is added to the recipe and the quality of the ingredients. You can make dishes that are similar to those you enjoy at restaurants but with fewer calories, less fat and at a fraction of the cost.

-Eating out: When you do eat out, it’s important to select lighter fare or split an order with your companion. It’s also a good idea to bring half of your meal home to enjoy the next day. This gives you a ready meal and is half as fattening.

– Exercise: It’s important to participate in some form of exercise. It doesn’t have to be formal. Just walking around the block each evening, taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot, participating in active social activities such as bowling, dancing, swimming and hiking will be great. If you decide to take a yoga class or join a gym, all the better.

By the time you go in for your tummy tuck, you will be at a healthy weight and have established good routines, as well. Your body will be stronger than ever in order to assure a speedy recovery.

About the Author

Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here: http://www.personalenhancementcenter.com

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Andrew Stratton

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Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here: http://www.personalenhancementcenter.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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