Ways to Quickly Increase Your Speed With These Speed Drills

September 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Van Casey

Ways to Quickly Increase Your Speed With These Speed Drills – Sports – Soccer

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For a Winger in Rugby or in Football your acceleration as well as your agility are 2 of your most valuable natural talents. The best wingers in the world be it at club or international arena work on keeping their acceleration and speed up for as long as humanly possible.

Being a winger myself I have a number of drills I do by myself to help prolong my speed. You are going to need to get a few things first which you can easily find by doing a search online or even find on eBay.

These include a weighted vest, ankle weights and a speed parachute pack.

Always remember a good warm up before and warm down at the end of each drill is essential.

My 1st Drill: Ankle Weights Drill

I sprint the full length of the pitch with ankle weights on my ankle. To start off with I would suggest you should try 5 sprints a day with this exercise to get your body used to it. Maybe you can begin at 60% pace for your first two sprints then slowly up the pace to 75 then to 85 then sprinting at your full pace by your 5th sprint. Your rest periods should be the walk or preferably the jog back to where you took off from. You will notice you get fitter and feel lighter when you run normally with no ankle weights. For the weights I would suggest 2.5lbs should be fine to start off with and you can gradually add more weights to themas you advance.

The Sessions for the 1st Drill Drill

Three sprints sessions per week will be ok, sprinting with this drill, doing this drill, abiding by this training every other day is the recommended programme to enable you and your body to regain energy.

My Second Speed Drill: Weighted Vest Drill

This involves you doing the length of the pitch sprints with a weighted vest on, this might be a bit difficult for others so if you do go with this drill I would suggest you ask your general health expert first that you are in the right shape to utilise this drill. As a word of warning it is not a rush to get as heavy as possible on. Rather it is a gradual transition, start of gradually with 5kg in the weights for say every other day of sprints. Then in the next week increase the weights to 7kg and the week after 10kg.

The Sessions for the Weighted Vest Drill

Three sprint sessions a week will be ideal. For instance every other day so if you start on Monday then next session should be on Wednesday and the Third should be on Friday. This provides you with 24hours in between sessions to allow you to rest. Just as with the ankle weights drill you should allow yourself the rest in between sprints to be the jog back or alternatively the walk back to where you began this will improve your fitnessand pace as you progress through the drills and the weights.

My Third Drill: The Parachute Drill

This is a lighter version of the 2nd above; it entails you wearing a parachute backpack on your back and doing sprints with it. I use this drill as a warm down after the weighted vest drill. However this drill can also be used on its own especially if you do not have a weighted vest at first. The Sessions for the Weighted Vest Drill

As this drill is not as taxing I would say ideally 10 sprints every other day should be ideal. However rather than doing them 10 at a go what you can do is break them into 5 sprints now then take a break by jogging round the pitch at a slow but steady pace and then do the next 5 straight away.

Final Thoughts

Self-Discipline, acceleration, confidence and fitness are all attributes that show signs of improvement and progress train with drills and I hope these drills help you to leave the competition staring at the back of your head as you zip passed them.

About the Author

Van Casey enjoys writing helpful articles on various topics from moving house to picking the best Polk audio Speakers or finding amazing deals on Polk Audio Monitor 70 speakers

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Van Casey

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Van Casey enjoys writing helpful articles on various topics from moving house to picking the best Polk audio Speakers or finding amazing deals on Polk Audio Monitor 70 speakers

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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