Weight Lifting is a Complicated Sport

July 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Jeremy Page

Weight Lifting is a Complicated Sport – Health – Fitness

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Weight lifting is a complicated sport and you need a combination of things to be successful. Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Weight lifting exercises consists of repetitions and sets. Weight lifting training counter acts this aging process by developing more muscle mass and bone density. Weight lifting can be as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise — and it’s not just for men.


If you are a beginner looking to tone up and add a bit of muscle, you will have to start with a beginners weight lifting routine. If you want to build muscle, your going to have to use weight resistance exercise like weight lifting. Free weights and compound movements such as squats, bench press, shoulder press, and bent over barbell rows apply a lot of stress on the supporting muscles. These exercises are often called multi jointed exercises because they employ not only the targeted muscle but the supporting muscles as well. By using free weights and compound movements in your weight lifting routine, you will challenge your body to work harder and therefore make better muscle gains. One repetition consists of a series of muscle contractions with a weight or movement such as one push up. As you progress in your weight lifting routine, your strength and muscle gains will be moderate but what you want to concentrate on is form. For building muscle it is desirable to perform low repetitions using heavy weight. To build strength and muscle mass, your repetition range should be between 8 and 12. This should be sufficient to stimulate increases in muscle size and strength.


Weight lifting requires the use of weight bearing equipment such as barbells and dumbbells (free weights), and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Do make sure the equipment you use is in good condition. You don’t need to spend tons of money on a gym membership or on fancy home exercise equipment. Using equipment such as dumbbells and ankle weights, the patients did supervised exercises targeting all major muscle groups. The single most important tool for taking you from where you are now to where you want to go (and its dirt-cheap for anyone)The basic equipment every serious body builder MUST have and some additional pieces that are nice, but not essential Why a lifting belt is the most important piece of safety equipment any lifter could own BUT why its something that SHOULD NOT be worn for all lifting The not-so-obvious problems of working out in a gym or health club. Home weight lifting equipment including weight lifting gloves, weight lifting belts, weight lifting benches, olympic weight benches, tricep bars, EZ curl bars, dumbbell racks, & barbell racks.

Weight lifting accessories can improve your weightlifting experience, making it both for effective and safer, as well as more fun. Weight lifting can be as important to your overall health as aerobic exercise — and it’s not just for men.

About the Author

Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowBodyBuilding.com. He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Jeremy Page

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Jeremy Page is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowBodyBuilding.com. He provides more information about body building and lifting that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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