Weight Lifting Program for Beginners

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Before you start a weight lifting program for beginners, make sure it has these characteristics:

1) Proven track record.

Any great weight lifting program for beginners will be time tested, and already have lots of successful users.

Don’t go onto Bob’s bodybuilding site and use his program, because frankly it probably hasn’t been proven to work as well as some other programs out there.

2) A solid nutrition plan.

Nutrition is INCREDIBLY important to see results from your weight lifting.

If you’re spending two hours a day in the gym then go home and drink 3-4 beers each night, do you think you’re going to get great results?

Instead make sure you’re eating at least 5-6 times a day, and that you’re including a lot of protein, fruits, and vegetables in your diet.

Saturated fat, sugar, and nasty refined carbohydrates like bread or pasta can definitely put you back.

3) Step-by-step walkthroughs of each exercise (videos are great!)

To make sure you don’t hurt yourself, a good weight lifting program for beginners will show you exactly how to do each exercise- not just show you one or two pictures and say you’re good.

Training incorrectly can cause injury, especially if you aren’t resting enough.

This leads me to one more key characteristic…

4) An emphasis on getting plenty of rest.

Muscles aren’t built in the gym- they’re broken down in the gym.

Muscles are built when you’re resting- so make sure you give your muscles at least a day to recover, and get PLENTY of sleep!

Then check out this gHP Sport free trial that will give you more success than you can believe!

The truth is, gHP Sport is one of the best muscle building supplements out there and really stands apart from all the others!

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