Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Phil Knox

Weight Lifting Routines-Free Help From Bodybuilding Champion – Health

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Weight Lifting routines are confounding because there are so many muscle-bound block-heads out there claiming that their weight lifting workout routine is the unparalleled way to build muscle.Well, you don’t have to follow those no body’s anymore. Michael Ferencsik, the 2008 Forever Natural Bodybuilding Champion has just released a step by step manual to help folks of all ages build muscle and lose fat! This guy has 30 years of personal training practice and is a highly decorated natural bodybuilder. He knows exactly what the human body needs to build muscle and lose weight and he’s ready to unveil you all of his trade secrets!The biggest benefit to Michael’s weight lifting routines is that it is designed for beginners. You don’t have to be a big strong experienced bodybuilder to reap the rewards of his masterful insights. You can build muscle and get fit using his Muscle Maximization Manuscript even if you’ve never stepped into a gym in your life, in fact, he has a special section for complete rookies in his ebook where he provides home weight lifting routines using everyday items in your home just because he wants you to begin to strengthen and tone your muscles. His book then moves on to beginner weight lifting routines for when you are ready to step into the gym, and it also reveals intermediate and advanced weight training routines to use as you progress.Weight lifting workout routines and weight loss systems that you buy from television commercials or from the best seller list at the bookstore are generic plans written by average people, but the Muscle Maximization Manuscript was written by a highly decorated Natural Bodybuilding Champion! Who are you more likely to trust?His simple weight lifting routines are time-tested systems fine tuned for beginners and advanced weight trainers alike.Ready to get started? Here is a look at Michaels Mass weight lifting routine for beginners:Multi joint weight lifting routines are the best type of weight training exercise beginners can perform because it builds a solid foundation of muscle fast! You’ll will see quick results and your success will motivate you to work harder toward your bodybuilding goals. As you advance, you’ll incorporate Isolation weight lifting routines to tone and define the details in your muscle. These multi joint weight training routines are meant to be performed with alot of weight, as much as you can lift just 6 to 8 times. Make certain that you always use perfect form, take your time and don’t rush the movement. Use a belt for exrta support when performing squats, dead lifts and presses. Watch my YouTube videos for detailed instructions on form while executing these weight training routines and pick up my ebook for complete instructions on this routine and many more.Squats: 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions eachDead Lifts: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsBench Presses or Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsStanding Overhead Barbell Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8 repsPull Ups: 3 sets of 6 to 8Dips: 3 sets of 6 to 10 (work up to 10 reps before adding weight)Close Grip Triceps Bench Presses: 3 sets of 6 to 8Weighted Sit Ups: 3 sets of 10 to 12 These weight lifting routines are meant to be a total body workout. Always perform no less than 6 repititions per set. Make certain that you get adaquate rest inbetween workouts, at least 48 hours. Never workout two days in a row.Watch Michael Ferencsik demonstrate exactly how to perform these and many more Weight Lifting Routines on YouTube right now. Or, just pick up his step by step bodybuilding guide and diet ebook now by going to Musclemaximization.com. Enjoy your free weight lifting routines
About the Author

Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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Phil Knox

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Phil Knox writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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