Weight Loss Body Wraps

May 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

There are basically two different kinds of body wraps being used today. Both types are largely focused on the healing, moisturizing, and conditioning of the skin. However, the primary role of the two kinds of body wraps is radically different. Read on to find out more!

Weight loss body wraps can be very expensive to buy in a beauty salon, but it is perfectly possible to make your own herbal wraps at home and with practice the salon results can be achieved. Herbal wraps involve wrapping the body, or the part of the body that is of concern, in bandages that have been soaked in different solutions according to taste. Once the wrapping is complete the pores begin to open and toxins leave the body and are absorbed by the bandages.

The ingredients found in the body wraps penetrate deep and work at the cellular level to help eliminate toxins and create something called lymphatic drainage.

This process helps move the fat and toxins out of your body. By removing these toxins and impurities, your will notice inch loss in that specific or targeted area. Some people have reported significant inch loss in just the first treatment.

These wraps have an herbal ingredients that are applied to a cloth and come packaged up.  The way they work is you put them on your targeted area of your body such as your belly, arms or on your cellulite on your thighs.  The ingredients work all the way down to the cellular level where they help you to detoxify your fat cells by getting rid of fat and harmful toxins.

During this process, the interstitial fluids (lymph) in your fat cells, is allowed to move freely and transports your fatty acids and toxins out of your body as waste. These fluids contain harmful impurities which your body has stored from the processed foods we eat and the air we breathe.

The inch loss with body wraps happens because once the fat and toxins are removed from the cell, there are empty parts of the cell left. The body wraps, if secured on tightly will squeeze these cells together, and this is how you lose those inches fast. You will also notice your skin feeling softer and more supple since a lot of the body wrap ingredients are very moisturizing as well.

Body wrapping has been featured throughout the world on shows such as Oprah, Donahue, Tyra Banks, Montel Williams, ET, and the list goes on . . . Those wraps included exercising, which really defeats the purpose because you are actually causing “water weight loss” verses “toxin” weight loss. Body wrapping has also been recently featured in First Magazine as well as Women’s World.

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