weight loss exercises at home for men and weight loss exercises

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Vanni Jain

Losing weight becomes easier with exercise. All the calories are burnt off and a person is kept toned and fit. The metabolism increases as well. This has been the biggest obstacle for men who are undertaking weight loss programmes. Many hassles have to be faced. The idea of spending long hours in gym does not appeal to many. Weight loss exercises at home for men can give effective results similar to that of gym sessions.

Everyone must be aware that for losing weight, extra calories need to be burned. There is accumulation of extra calories in the form of fat. Extra calories have to be burned than those that are consumed. If the calorie intake is 2000, more than 2000 calories have to be burned for losing weight. Given below is the list of weight loss exercises at home for men:

Plank exerciseMen can easily do plant exercises at home. A difficult position needs to be maintained for some seconds. A common plank is that which is held in the position similar to push ups. A person must lay down on the ground and if the positioning is on the left, the elbow must be rested down and the legs must be kept straight. Even one hand can be tried and lifted. The entire body must be rested on the other. Up to 3 sets of these exercises must be performed with 125 repetitions.

AerobicsAerobics is a fun way for losing weight. Your partner or friend can be called for aerobics. An instructional DVD of an expert can be purchased. It must be followed at home. A toll of calories is taken by aerobics from the entire body. Thus, it proves to be a great way of losing weight.

SquatsSquats are among the best weight loss exercises for men at home. This exercise can be done very easily at home. 1. One can start by standing and sitting from a regular chair2. One must stand on chair with straight hands. Then, the knees must be bent for coming close to the floor. While bending down, it must be made sure that the back remains straight. The posture must be held for 30 seconds. Then, one must come back to the original position. A person must wait for a second and the exercise must be repeated. The number of repetitions must be increased as one gets comfortable.

Thus, these weight loss exercises at home for men will surely help in losing weight.

The author has given information in this article about weight loss exercises at home for men, also read about weight loss foods for men at Onlymyhealth.

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