Weight Training For Defensive Backs

February 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Defensive backs are usually the most all around athletic players on the football field. A defensive back must keep up with a receiver, watch the quarterback, play zone, come up on run support, blitz and make tackles on larger players. Defensive backs are expected to be the fastest players on the field while also generating explosive power to make big hits.

A weight lifting routine for defensive backs should reflect the demands made on them during the game. Defensive backs should train heavy, like a linebacker, but for speed, like a receiver. They need to be decisive, explosive and extremely strong for their lighter body weight.

Day 1
Push – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Defensive backs need shoulders and triceps more than anyone else on the field. They need to not only be able to bench press their own weight, but do it in explosive fashion.

Just imagine the surprised look on the receivers face when you go to bump on the snap and knock him on his butt.
Bench press – 5×5
Dumbbell bench press – 3×8
Incline press 5×5
Overhead dumbbell press – 3×8
Reverse cable crossovers – 5×5 – At the cable crossover station set the cables all the way at the bottom. Grip the handles over hand with opposite hand so that your arms are crossed in the starting position. Explosively pull up the cables across your body and out with your shoulders to end in a position like a lateral raise.

Day 2
Pull – Back, Biceps and Forearms
Defensive backs need a strong back and biceps to wrap up tackles. They also need powerful forearms to grab cloth and bring down ball carriers when they can’t wrap them up.
Dead lift 5×5
Dumbbell row 5×5
Lat pull down 5×5
Bicep curls 3×8
Finger curls 3×12 – Let the bar roll down to hand on the tips of your fingers, then close your hand to roll the bar back up into your palm.

Day 3
Legs – Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads and Calves
Defensive backs need powerful legs to drive through tackles and keep up with receivers.

They must train for power as well as speed to be successful and well rounded on the field.
Split squat 5×5
Speed squat 3×8
Hang clean 5×5

Stiff leg dead lift 5×5
Leg curls 3×8
Jump calf raises 3×12 – holding dumbbells in each hand jump up using only your calves.

Remember to keep all exercises explosive to build power. Heavy weight does you no good if it is lifted slowly. Do proper warm ups and stretch during your cool down so that you can keep up with more limber receivers.

Learn more about strength training at http://www.alternativefit.com

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