Weight Training Muscle Building – Weight Training Diet For Skinny Guys To Pack On Muscle Mass Quickly

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Weight Training Muscle Building

If you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain muscle mass quickly then this weight training diet is the missing key you need to start growing fast. I’m going to give you the absolute best food you need to include in your weight training diet.

Your weight training diet can be broken up into 3 categories of food: Protein, carbs, and fat. You the right amount of each of these in order to build muscle mass. Especially if you’re a skinny guy – you need to pay special attention to your diet if you want to grow. Weight Training Muscle Building

Best Carbohydrates To Include In Your Diet

Brown Rice
Whole Grain Breads

Best Protein Sources To Include In Your Diet

Chicken and turkey
Steak and ground beef
Cottage Cheese
Whey Protein

Best Fat Sources To Include In Your Diet

Flax Seed Oil
Olive Oil
Fish like salmon and tuna
Fish Oil

So how much of these foods should you be eating to start building muscle mass? Well, I recommend my personal training clients split it up into 30% protein, 40% carbs, and 30% fat.

This is the best ratio for gaining muscle weight quickly especially if you’re a skinny guy.

Your weight training diet should also include the right number of calories for your bodyweight.

If you’re a hardgainer and have trouble putting on muscle mass, I recommend you take 20x your bodyweight in calories daily. So take your body weight x 20 and that’s how many calories you should include in your diet on a daily basis. It’s pretty simple. Weight Training Muscle Building

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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