Weight Training Programs

January 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Alex Shawn

Going to the gym and throwing some weights is just not enough, strong weight training programs are important in accomplishing the buildup of muscles to gain the weight goal.  It is important to have a training program that is customized to your specific weight loss needs to help you accomplish your specific goal.

Types of weight training programs

Weight training programs are of two types:  the off season and the Pre contest. These types of training are further broken down to what you are required to do in each program. They include techniques, reps, sets, and kind of foods you need to eat to achieve your goal.

Off season weight training programs

In this training program, you increase muscle mass so you have caloric surplus when lifting heavy weight to increase muscle size and density.

Off season diet: one should have plenty of protein, fats and carbohydrates. They should be paced evenly every 2 to 3 hours all through the day. Proteins have amino acids that help rebuild the cells that have been broken down and spilt during the training. Some of the good proteins are milk, eggs, chicken, fish and steak.Carbohydrates: they give one the energy required in the course of the weight training program to pump out as many reps with loads of energy. The complex carbohydrates are to be consumed all through the day in moderation. However, one has to be careful not to consume too much carbohydrate since the unused ones are stored as fats.Fats: their intake should be low; they yield 9 calories for each gram. It is not advisable to consume saturated fats of Tran’s fats, this applies to both weight training programs, and the monounsaturated fat and the polyunsaturated fat are a better option.Off season training: this type of training requires you to go heavy on the poundage and low on the reps, by doing this you breakdown the muscle then you rebuild with the foods you eat later. The workouts that you take should target the entire muscle, which include: – flat barbell bench press that targets the entire body.<div>Pre Contest weight training programs</div>

In this weight training program one is required to reduce the calories intake and include cardiovascular exercises along with your weight training.

Pre Contest Diet: it is important to note that it’s not the amount but the quality of calories that you consume in different foods that have different hormonal response in your body.Pre contest training: in this type of weight training programs there are reduced rest intervals, hence you will be burning fat and still maintaining your muscle mass. You will still have to lift as heavy as you can but the poundage of the weight will be less.<h3>Principles to consider when planning the weight training programs</h3>

Types of weight training exercises: there are two types of weight training programs: compound exercises and isolation exercises. In compound exercises, they use multiple group muscle groups while in isolation exercises they use one main muscle group when performed.

Intensity and progression of exercise: if there is high intensity weight training program there will be growth of muscle. But this increase must be done progressively to reduce the risk of injuries. If done gradually your muscle will grow gradually and thereby attaining your goal to build bigger body mass.

Resting: it is advisable that after muscle stimulation and eating well it’s good to have quality rest so as the recovery can take place. When one sleeps the systems channel resources and nutrients to affected areas.

Sets and repetitions: – they are indirectly linked to intensity of exercise. One can increase or decrease the training intensity by adjusting the number of sets and reps done in any exercises. They can also be increased over a period of time according to your training program in order to achieve your goal.

It has been known that if one is serious about losing weight or building muscle mass one will have to embrace the weight training programs, since by enhancing your metabolism does not do the trick. Moreover it has been discovered that all the fitness programs that allow cardio only exercises lead to being counterproductive.

Want to know how much about the weight training for women?

Or more football strength training information.

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