Weight Training Routine And Protein Powder

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kim Johnson

Weight Training Routine And Protein Powder – Sports – Other Sports

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As a beginner to the whole weight training routine fuss, you most probably want to know all there is to the different protein powders out there. Do you really need to include those in your bodybuilding pattern? There is much hype and confusion that surrounds the use of protein powder. Some fitness magazines go as far as saying you absolutely need a certain type of protein powder to see results with your weight training routine. You might want to beware of this biased information. The success of your weight training routine does not depend on a particular protein powder brand.

Perhaps the first question you want answered is whether you absolutely need to include protein powder in your weight training routine so we’ll start by making clear that particular point. Protein powder is not a must for gaining lean muscle mass however, it is pretty impossible for you to manage 400 grams of protein from real food per day and you need that uptake to optimize your results from your weight training routine. Ideally all your body’s protein requirement should be met by your ingestion rate of meat, fish, poultry and eggs. But that is not practical or convenient for that matter. To top on your meals, three shakes per day is a good idea for satisfactory muscle gains following your weight training routine.

Here a good question you should be asking yourself is do the protein powders really work and how healthy are they really when complimenting a weight training routine? As seen above, protein powders are good to top up on your protein intake per day. Unless you have a 24/7 cook or something, it is not practical for you to have 6 meat or egg meals a day to meet the protein requirement of your weight training routine. As for whether the protein powders really work in harmony with your weight training routine, as you probably already know protein is composed of amino acids which assist the body in building and maintaining muscles. However, you need to be selective about your choice of protein powder to accompany your weight training routine, you might neglect those with funny ingredients such as fructose and artificial colourings.

So how much protein powder do you need to achieve the best results with your weight training routine. Ideally protein should be included in your diet throughout the day. Most fitness professionals recommend 1 – 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass with your weight training routine. From here it’s a little bit of mathematics really. If you are like 150 pounds and you believe you have a body fat percentage of 10%, you will require no less than 135-205 grams of protein per day. As common sense dictates, you can hardly get that off your daily balanced meals so you will need to include protein shakes alongside your weight training routine. A good piece of advice here would be not to replace your meals with protein shakes if you want to go through with your weight training routine.

About the Author

More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.

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Kim Johnson

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More is discussed about the importance of a well rounded weight training routine in a nice short video. Click here to gain access to it. For more general information you can visit our bodybuilding blog here.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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