Weight Training Safety Tips!

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training


Weight training is one of the safest sports. It is only dangerous when carelessness and ignorance replace good judgment and common sense. Grouping by ability, securely-fastened weights, proper progression, and various other items previously discussed were closely related to safety. This advice should help the instructor look after his pupils.

The first and most important consideration is the requirement of a complete medic al examination prior to participation in a weight training program. This precaution is no more necessary for weight training than for any other form of strenuous physical exertion, but it should be done before undertaking any athlete or physical education activity. The results of such a physical examination can give assurance that the individual is organically sound.

If not, he should be excluded from the program.

Time should be allowed for rehabilitation before resuming heavy work by the injured part. When a player returns after injury or illness he should have the same careful examination to determine his capabilities. The player returning after illness or accident will have to be watched to avoid overdoing the activity in a weakened condition. Conversely, some players may have to be encouraged to exercise an injured limb in order to maintain its strength.

Correct lifting position is a point the coach or instructor should remind his pupils of often. When lifting the weight from the floor the correct position is with the feet close to the bar and on the same line, hips lowered, knees flexed, head up, and back straight.

The weight should be lifted with the legs, not the back muscles.

Master each lift with lighter weights before attempting to progress to a maximum lift. The time taken to master a lift not only assures proper technique but it also conditions the muscles to lifting, thereby reducing the danger of a pulled muscle. Careless stance, incorrect form, and over-optimism in an effort to show off will result in needless accidents and injuries.

Everyone should remain clear of those players actually engaged in performing a lift. It is important to maintain good discipline in a weight room. Wandering from station to station and engaging in general “horseplay” may result in bumping into another lifter and could result in a serious accident.

Some coaches prefer to use spotters at each end of the bar and dispense with placing the collars in position after each change in weights. Always make certain that the collars which hold the weights in position are securely tightened. Such a system makes it extremely important for the spotters to be in position at the ends of the bar to prevent the bar from tilting.

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