What Is Circuit Training? And How It Will Add Muscle Definition

July 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Timothy Downey

What Is Circuit Training? And How It Will Add Muscle Definition – Health – Fitness

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It’s funny that anytime I talk with men and women when it comes to working out and bring up the expression Circuit training I always get a similar reaction. What is curcuit training? Most people have an understanding but just can’t explain exactly what it is or how it works. In case you’re new to this term perhaps you might want to learn what it is and how you can use it to increase muscle, shed fat and enjoy a more effective overall body workout.

What is Circuit Training?

Well, it’s really quite simple to understand. Circuit training is actually a kind of conditioning combining resistance training and high-intensity aerobics. It’s meant to be simple to adhere to and target strength building together with muscular endurance. An exercise “circuit” is one completion of all suggested exercises inside the program. When one circuit is finished, one can start the first exercise over again for another circuit. Usually, the time in between exercises in circuit training is quick, often with swift movement to another exercise.

Combining resistance training and cardiovascular training

This really is one of the things I really like about circuit training. Any time you include resistance training and aerobic training it helps save you time in the gym. You’re getting the two of them finished in one workout. You can do resistance training with light weight and high repetitions or by simply employing your bodyweight. Both versions of training will provide the level of resistance required to boost muscle growth. The cardiovascular training is from the fast rest periods involved when switching from one exercise to the next. You can also include more cardio training by adding in an exercise in the circuit which involves getting the heart rate up rapidly.

Why I favor body weight workouts when circuit training?

Bodweight workouts are an excellent way to get resistance training and aerobic training all at once. They require minimal floor space (you could do them in your living room) and mimimal equipment. Bodyweight circuits seem like they could be easy but wait until you see how tough they are when a qualified personal trainer puts one together.

Circuit training and muscle definintion

So if somebody were to ask me what is circuit training I would give them the definition that I mentioned previously then immediately go on to discuss the advantages of body weight workouts carried out in a circuit fashion. And why combining this along with your regular gym program is what will provide you with the muscle definition of an athlete.

About the Author

Tim Downey has been a fitness consultant for over 18 years. He specializes in giving advice to men and women who want to develop a lean and toned body that appeals to the opposite sex. I write and develop well thought out and researched articles on my popular website The Lean Look.

“I believe that most people would rather have the build of an underwear model, instead of looking like a bodybuilder. I think that there is a major gap in the fitness industry that I’m looking to fill. You must train differently than a bodybuilder if you want a lean sexy body.”

Tim also practices what he preaches…

“I have nice six pack abs 12 months out of the year and I’m very defined without being overly muscular. My goal is to help as many people as possible reach their goals of looking like a Calvin Klein -or- Victoria’s Secret Underwear Model.”

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Timothy Downey

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Tim Downey has been a fitness consultant for over 18 years. He specializes in giving advice to men and women who want to develop a lean and toned body that appeals to the opposite sex. I write and develop well thought out and researched articles on my popular website The Lean Look.

“I believe that most people would rather have the build of an underwear model, instead of looking like a bodybuilder. I think that there is a major gap in the fitness industry that I’m looking to fill. You must train differently than a bodybuilder if you want a lean sexy body.”

Tim also practices what he preaches…

“I have nice six pack abs 12 months out of the year and I’m very defined without being overly muscular. My goal is to help as many people as possible reach their goals of looking like a Calvin Klein -or- Victoria’s Secret Underwear Model.”

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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