What is Marine Officer Candidate School?

August 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Marine OCS Guide

What is Marine Officer Candidate School? – Society – Military

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United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate is a commissioning program designed to transform civilians into officers in the USMC. Marine Officer Candidate School (OCS) typically lasts one 10-week session (or two 6 week sessions over the course of two summers for college students). OCS takes place in Quantico, Virginia, just south of Washington, DC located off I-95. This program is specifically designed for both college students on track to graduate and for college graduates. To become a Marine Officer, one must hold a 4-year college degree, which is one differentiator between the enlisted side of the Marine Corps. This is NOT boot camp, although it as intense and demanding!

How OCS differs from enlisted recruit training (boot camp in Paris Island or San Diego), is the importance OCS places on leadership training. Upon successfully graduating from Marine OCS, one is commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. After individualized training, that 2nd Lieutenant will be placed in charge of 20-40 enlisted Marines, many with years of combat experience. It’s a steep challenge to lead such warriors, which is why the Marine Corps makes the process of Officer Candidate School particularly difficult, in order to weed out the undetermined and unskilled. As an officer, your mistakes can get enlisted Marines killed, which isn’t an option for the USMC.

Over the course of 10-weeks, candidates are evaluated every step of the way through physical, academic and leadership evaluations and events. Sergeant Instructors (known to the general public as Drill Instructors) grade candidates on a scale of 0-100, with a passing score of 80, on a variety of events. These events include military history tests, land navigation, obstacle course completion, performance in leadership billets, physical fitness test and peer evaluations.

OCS is a daunting challenge, but we encourage college educated men and women to consider the option! While attending Officer Candidates School, you are paid over $ 5000 for the 10 weeks in attendance and you can quit at any time after you’ve completed the first 4 weeks. In addition, current college students have the option to opt out of possible military service at any point before their graduation. If you are interested, we highly recommend taking a look at our website listed below in the author bio for some more detailed information about the application process, selection and more. We provide information on how to get in touch with your local Marine Officer Recruiter and much more.

About the Author

MarineOCSGuide.com is a website designed to help and assist potential USMC Officer Candidates in their quest to become 2nd Lieutenants in the world’s greatest military force.

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MarineOCSGuide.com is a website designed to help and assist potential USMC Officer Candidates in their quest to become 2nd Lieutenants in the world’s greatest military force.

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