What is the Best Way to Build Muscle?

February 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Eric Rotherman

A common question in novice bodybuilding circles is, “What is the best way to build muscle?” This is really a loaded question as there are many different ways to build muscle and each individual’s body responds to different methods of muscle building. There are however some basic fundamental principles that do not change and are essential to every weight lifter’s program. So it could be said that these are the “best way” to build muscle. However they need to be taken and customized according the individual lifter’s needs and requirements. Lets look at what those common elements are.

Firstly a regular time slot needs to be available for training. Before you start to plan your program work out how much time you have and how you will make it regular. If you can’t keep a regular training slot your end goals will be further away then you thought they were. A routine is a must for getting the best out of your weight training.

Secondly you need to ensure you are getting the maximum amount of rest that you can. Remind yourself that your muscles grow when they are rested so ensure you get as much of it as possible. The strain and stress you put your muscles under in training is done to enable them to grow in the recovery phase. The recovery phase is your rest time and so is an essential part of building muscle.

Ensure you eat a balanced diet which effectively fuels your body, so that it can continue to train at maximum intensity. Food is the fuel your body requires and because of your bodybuilding or weight lifting routine you need to ensure you have a good mixture of food groupings. Including, carbohydrates for long lasting energy, proteins for muscular strength and vegetables and fruits for the health benefits of the vitamins and minerals they contain.

The other area you need to consider for best results is the amount of repetitions you perform of each movement within a set of an exercise. Strength athletes usually have one aim chosen from three different options: strength gain, mass gain or muscular endurance. If an increase in strength is the most important for you then you are best to perform sets of 2-6 reps with heavy weights. If you focused on mass gain you will want to perform the exercise in sets of 8-12 reps with moderate weights. Where as if you are wanting to build muscular endurance you will need to perform more than 12 reps per set and use light to moderate weights.

All of the above are foundational to a program that builds muscles the “best way” for you as an individual. Adjust your program to suit your time, your aims and your body type but ensure you consider all the above elements and include them in your training. They will help you gain long term muscle building success.

Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on the Best Way to Build Muscle and Work Out Routines for more information.

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