What Makes the Best Strength Training Routines

August 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

The best strength training routines will have a massive effect on how much you get from any exercise program. Using your time constructively and effectively in a structured way will yield so much more than mindlessly pumping iron without thought as to what you want to achieve. Almost any set of strength training routines will involve free weights, so let’s focus on weight-based exercise that will help you get stronger while burning fat and building muscle.

The first thing you will find in good strength training routines is that they will focus on “compound exercises”. In non-jargon these are exercises that will work on more than one joint. These have one real benefit. With more than one joint at work, you can lift more, while exercising more muscle groups. A win win situation of there ever was one!

The second technical term is “periodization”.

In simple terms this is something you probably guessed already – that the body adapts if you are doing the same exercises again and again. Good strength training routines will change over time to focus on different muscle groups, both to test you in different ways physically and to keep you mentally fresh. After all, no matter how much you want to work out grinding out the same exercises day after day can become dull. You can apply this yourself by doing some simple things. For example, change the position you do an exercise in, or try doing it with just one arm or leg.

There are dozens of strength training routines out there – think about what you want to get fit for and then focus on working out hard and recording your progress!

If you need the best strength training routines from qualified experts then check this site out for excellent strength and conditioning exercises

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