Why Free Poker Training Videos Make It So Simple To Learn How To Win Poker Online And Where To Get One Now

January 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Jose Bolton

All the time I hear certain types of poker players from every flavor of the game, cash and free online poker, cash poker and casino live games and the tournament circuit banging away about what a good player they are, how they know the secrets of the game and how they’ve cracked the winning code, you’ll always fine one or more in online game chat or in the card room bar or at the table.Normally a year or thereabouts later they’ll have either wiped out their bankroll or quit trying to play in an effort to try to find a less difficult fast buck maker. Since you are here you are most likely not this type of player since you ,I assume, want to get far better!The main mistake the self styled “masters or poker” have is that they reckon that those few tips, tricks and “insider pro” secrets they read about are a one stop magic pill solution to winning poker all the time and that all those players who obsess aboutall that math stuff are doing it the hard way. If only it were that simple, well maybe not, if it were the game would not be what it is, the fact is that poker isn’t a standard model game that can have a standard model of play applied that will allow the player to win according to some formula or trickery, there are just to many game mechanic and human variables involved for that.the fact is that no one opponent plays the same. To win consistently you have to constantly keep track of the way standard games work and how current games are playing.A really good example of this is to think about the competition scene a decade back as opposed to the tournaments today. A decade back, when you stole more blinds than everybody else, you had been almost sure to win money.In the present game, players consistently raise and reraise. Because of this, it is important to settle back more and wait until these over competitive opponents hand their money to you.I strongly think the simplest way to understand poker should be to watch videos of the highest quality players playing the game you need to understand more about.To help you get going I’ve discovered a very good and also truly free poker training videos to get you going.When you are learning tournaments, there is no point in watching cash game videos. Also, you must take note of the manner excellent players play and behave.You mustn’t only try to emulate these players but also attempt to figure out an appropriate counter method to beat these great players.The most important thing in poker is to be flexible. Just because you had an excellent tactic to beat the games two years ago it doesn’t necessarily promise you will be able to defeat the games right now.If you continually think about and look at the action, you’ll have great results in your future. If you want to learn how to play poker and take your game to a higher level make a start by looking at the free poker training videos.Here is a “easy” secret you should utilize to get maximum value from your poker coaching videos.Begin by watching the recording, and every time the game comes around to the presenting pro, pause it and think of what you’d do in this situation.Examine your position, your chip stack, your opponents’ chip stacks, and anything else you can pick up on that might influence into your decision. Decide how you would play the hand and then unpause the video to find out what the coach does.Work with video in this manner and I guarantee you will learn a lot more than you’ll learn by just viewing the video passive. See the free poker training videos here.

Nick works for top rated (Usa player welcoming) free online poker site NoPayPOKER and, as part of his work looks for the best books on poker and free online poker training vid to help you players succeed more. You’ll find reviews of the best free poker online education books and videos on the NoPay blo

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