Why It’s Important to Have Solar Power Training

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by James Copper

Electricity and utility costs have almost gotten the better of all of us. Each month it seems as though the rates are going higher and higher. If our satellite bill is too high, we can make adjustments to our package and get a smaller one that’s more affordable. If we’re using too much fuel in our car, we can car pool or consolidate our trips to save gas. Our utility bills can only be cut back so much, especially when they keep going up. A solution that’s been very helpful and economical for many is switching to solar power.

Solar power comes from the power we get from the sun, which is used to give us energy. The energy that the entire world needs in an year is emitted from the sun in one day so you can see there’s definitely enough to go around. It’s just a matter of putting it to good use for you. If you’re unfamiliar with solar energy and how it works, you may know someone that has had some solar power training. You can also choose to take solar power training yourself so you can learn ways to implement it into your home to help save on energy costs.

Solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, are used to product solar power from the sun. You put the solar cells some place where they’ll be underneath direct sunlight. Each time the sun’s rays hit the photovoltaic cells; there is a chemical reaction that causes an electric current, which is turned into electricity. If you have enough solar cells in your home and a lot of sunny days, you’ll have enough electricity stored up to get your through night time and cloudy days when there is not sunlight. Solar power training will teach you everything you need to know to properly install solar cells in your home as well as how to get the most benefits from them.

Solar power training will also teach you about the different types solar power; active solar and passive solar. The difference between the two methods is that only active solar involves the installation of solar panels or solar cells to convert the sun’s rays into electricity. When it’s first converted to electricity, it’s DC (direct current) and then it’s later transformed to AC (alternate current). Passive solar does not involve solar panels. Passive solar is obtained, for instance, by building a home with all the windows facing the direct sunlight or using tanks or other structures to capture the sunlight. Passive solar is often used to provide homes with heat and hot water.

Although the initial cost of switching to solar energy may be expensive, if you have solar power training, you may be able to install as much of the solar system as possible into your home and save on labor costs. The cost of the solar panels as well as the batteries is expensive; however, the savings you’ll see over time will make them more than pay for themselves. Consider checking into some solar power training courses in your area and learn all you can about this new method for our utilities.

James Copper is a writer for http://www.trainingindex.co.uk where you can find different training courses such as it training courses

This video shows a sample of the power training exercises that we use to help develop power in our athletes.
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