Why you should make the effort to get in shape after pregnancy

February 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by James Mark May

Many new mothers buy cots or loungers to accommodate a new baby in the early months, this is the ideal solution particularly if space is at a premium, but also because it allows you to be close to your new born.Having delivered your baby, no doubt you are tired and out of shape right? But you may, like many new mothers want to get home, get settled and get back into shape.

Getting back into shape is important for you, but it is also very important for your baby that you are healthy enough to be able to give your child the best care.

Getting started

Your child will set its own schedule and if you want to fit in some exercise you will have to find ways to work around that. Make sure that you have a structured environment that will allow your baby to feel settled and allow you to get the rest you need.

Having a child is a wonderful time and you will want to be able to share and enjoy every moment with your new child

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