Will The Chest Coach System Deliver?

August 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Bruce Barker

Will The Chest Coach System Deliver? – Health – Fitness

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What sets this review apart from others writtten about the ‘Chest Coach System’ of losing man boobs, is simply that my approach is that of an qualified Fitness Instructor very much used to helping males with varying fitness issues. I therefore feel that I am better qualified than others to objectively evaluate the content of the system. Whether Cliff Manchaster, the man responsible, is layig down exercises, giving dietary advice or teaching on other issues such as correct breathing or mineral use, I can proffer an objective opinion as to its quality.

Cliff Manchaster makes one straightforward request before starting ‘The Chest Coach System’ which is that each individual gives 100% for the duration. I agree very much with this request as this kind of agreement is what I want in the gym, particularly from a new client. If you are really serious about getting rid of man boobs, it ought not to be too difficult to make this commitment, should it?

The keys to ‘The Chest Coach System’ are:

* Hormonal equilibrium

* A shift towards an alkaline diet

* Anabolic lean mass sculpture

* Anabolic cardio-vascular exercise

You do not have to visit a gym in order to do the workouts in the system as they are designed to be carried out in the home. Having said that, as a Fitness Advisor, I would say that it would be beneficial to do it because it will quicken the process whereby you can get rid of your man boobs.

I can support Cliff’s suggested routines from my own experience, right down to the ‘reverse pyramid’ style of organising sets. If you are one of those men that take the plunge and go on to a gym, I would give you some extra advice which I use myself and with clients and will help with overall flexibility, not just the chest. That advice is to perform the undermentioned large muscle group stretches after your cool-down ensuring that you hold every one for 30 to 60 seconds:

* Shoulder Stretch

* Back Stretch

* Chest Stretch

* Quadricep Stretch

* Calf Stretch

* Hamstring Stretch

Your Fitness Advisor can show you the best way to do these.

Going back to ‘The Chest Coach System’, you get The Manual and 3 Audio Lessons…but that’s not all. Cliff Manchaster is available to every client with any extra help that they might need, with more help in the offing in audio form cost-free to existing members.

For information on extra bonuses, go to ‘The Best Chest Guide’. All have a lot of additional value.

The Chest Coach System comes with an excellent 8-week guarantee and, for anybody who is still a doubter, the opportunity to take the first lesson for free.


About the Author

Hello! My name is Bruce Barker and I am a lean, mean Fitness Instructor aged 68 years. I am British and live in South Wales in the UK. I have been married for 40 years to my wife Jen[also lean but not mean!] and have two lean and fit sons aged 34 and 32.During my life I have been able to inspire and help many people to get fit, either thru’ transmitting my love of sports or actively teaching in the gym. http://www.bestchestguide.com

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Bruce Barker

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Hello! My name is Bruce Barker and I am a lean, mean Fitness Instructor aged 68 years. I am British and live in South Wales in the UK. I have been married for 40 years to my wife Jen[also lean but not mean!] and have two lean and fit sons aged 34 and 32.During my life I have been able to inspire and help many people to get fit, either thru’ transmitting my love of sports or actively teaching in the gym. http://www.bestchestguide.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Stretching the chest is important before heavy lifting or physical activities, although many people stretch the limbs alone. Learn how to do chest stretch exercises in this strength training video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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