Women Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Weight Training and Supplements (Exercise, weight training, weight loss and whey protein)

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Gerald Fitz

What is the best way to burn calories? Does your body burn more calories running on a treadmill for forty minutes or weight training for thirty? The answer may surprise many people. Studies have found that people will burn more calories weight lifting for thirty minutes than running on a treadmill for forty. This is due to the fact that when people weight train the body is breaking down and then rebuilding muscle. Through the proper weight training workout program people will build strong lean muscles. The body burns large amounts of calories when it constructs lean muscles, more than when it is actively working during a cardiovascular exclusive workout.

Now this information is good to know for anyone who is looking to burn more calories and lose more weight; however, many women read about these studies and think,

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