Women’s Fitness: Study How To Drop The Pounds Without Struggle

September 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscle Fitness

Article by Steven Marcos

Women’s Fitness: Study How To Drop The Pounds Without Struggle – Health

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Women’s fitness is one of the topics mostly talked about. Because most women have busy schedules, they tend to find a hard time where they can do activities to stay fit and remain in perfect shape. Also, it is a lot difficult for them to lose some stubborn fats especially the belly fats. Losing these fats is one key to a healthy life. What you need to do to eliminate these fats is you need to eat foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. There is also a need to complement this diet with regular exercise.

Belly fats develop because of many reasons. It could be genetic or could be hormonal changes. As we grow older, our body’s metabolism decreases. Because of this, excess fats increases particularly around the abdomen. Also, if you gained weight, which would mean you also gained excess fats. Therefore, if you have more excess fats in the body, you are at high risk of developing heart diseases, diabetes and worst if cancer.

Changing stomach workout routines can really help to get of belly fat. Crunches are very helpful in reducing belly fats. There are three major training techniques comprising of straight sets, super sets, and circuits. The straight set involve picking up an exercise and performing two to three sets of that exercise before moving to the next. The super set involves in performing an abs exercise and then immediately moving to the next abs exercise without taking rest. The third technique, circuits involve three or more abs exercises in a row.

Another key to women’s fitness is that you must also be knowledgeable of the foods you are eating. You have to keep in mind that, foods which are high in carbs and fats can cause you to have stubborn belly fats. If you badly want a sexy abs, you must have a balanced pH. Therefore, you need to get rid of sodas, sweetened drinks and others that contain a lot of sugar. Thus, water, herbal teas or fresh juices would be best for you.

Stress can also affect women’s fitness. Therefore, you must do away with stressful activities. If you are experiencing stress, your body is producing stress hormones that can be responsible for the belly fats. Stress also slows metabolism thus allowing to produce more fats. Other negative feelings can also contribute to a slower metabolism hence you need to be happy to live a healthy life.

About the Author

Guys if you are looking to gain muscle while burning then learn how you can gain 12lbs in only 21 days with 21 Day Fast Mass BuildingLadies if you are looking to lose belly fat then you need to check out Flavilicious Fitness Review.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Steven Marcos

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Guys if you are looking to gain muscle while burning then learn how you can gain 12lbs in only 21 days with 21 Day Fast Mass BuildingLadies if you are looking to lose belly fat then you need to check out Flavilicious Fitness Review.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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