Workout Routines

April 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Workout routines are suggested guidelines for those interested in fitness and working out. It is very beneficial for an individual to have a plan before any workout session and workout routines are excellent plans to follow. Workout routines can be specific for the individuals needs or general for the masses, either way workout routines are a must.

Different people have different goals for fitness. Some people would like to just be healthy, so a lower impact level workout aiming to improve cardiovascular health and endurance is a good routine to follow. For those individuals, going on walks or light joging will yield the desired results. The same goes for those people who would like to gain muscle mass and size. A workout routine for gaining muscle mass and size would involve heavy sets and repetitions of weight training movements in order the break down the muscle fibers so they can be built back larger and stronger in the future.

Workout routines can be written by almost anyone.

Widely known trainers and experts in the fitness community write articles about certain routines which are then published in fitness magazines and on fitness websites. These routines are aimed to help the masses and give a basic approach to whatever goal is attempting to be accomplished. While these individuals are certified at very high levels of fitness and knowledge, workout routines for the masses are not as beneficial as personalized routines.

Personalized workout routines are those tailored to the individual. Each individual is different, thus each individual has different strengths and weaknesses.

A personalized routine can focus on the weaknesses and maintain the strengths, allowing an all around strong, healthy, and fit individual. These individual and personalized workout routines are created by either personal trainers or performance trainers. Before these personalized programs are created, the individual is measured in many different categories such as body fat, vertical jump, standing heart rate, and different strength tests. The information recorded in these preliminary tests allows the trainer to know exactly where weaknesses are in the individual. From this, the trainer is then able to write a personalized program that is shaped for the individual.

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BONUSES: MANUAL: Ever only make it to the gym 3 days a week? Sure, some of us have to work on a 3 day program due to schedule, work, family, etc. That doesn’t mean take it easy! In fact this gives you a rare opportunity to train big lifts with more density during your workouts due to an extended recovery period. When we train with Jim Smith from the Diesel Crew it is time to get one of these dense and intense lifts in! conditioning-diesel-crewThe conditioning put me on the floor for 20 minutes. Unfortunately we did our normal 4 day a week routine, then at the last minute decided to drive up and join Smitty for their Saturday lift. It was a great challenge, but normally a workout this dense would be part of a 3 day routine. Exercises Performed * Heavy log clean and press * Axle bar dead lift * Swiss bar bench with thick grips * Stability Overhead Military Press * INSANE conditioning Muscles Targeted: * Chest/triceps * Shoulders * Upper back/biceps * Hamstrings * Quads (reverse sled pull) There were also some random pull ups and other exercises throughout. – Joe Hashey, CSCS Keywords: diesel conditioning, big muscles, big strength, big exercises, full body workout, conditioning workout, conditioning exercise, football workout, wrestler workout, wrestler strength, diesel crew

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