Workout Routines

July 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Instead of going to a gym or paying for a trainer, you create your own daily exercise workout. This can be done in conjunction with another form of exercise, or you can use your free exercise routines as your only form of exercise. The best thing about creating your own free workout routines is that you get to choose what exercises you will do. You can pick the exercises that will be most beneficial.
Exercise Plans And Goals

Once you know the type of exercises you want to include in your exercise routine, you should write them down. People who write down things are more likely to stick with what they have planned. An exercise book (or computer file) can be of great benefit for people who wish to follow a daily exercise routine. Use it to record:
Your goals. Do you want to lose weight? How much weight do you want to lose? Do you want to improve your capacity for exercising? Write down a number of goals if this is appropriate.
Your motivation. Put something in your book that motivates you. Maybe it is a picture of you when you were thinning. Maybe it is a picture of a body builder. Maybe its a picture of your children to remind you that you want to be there for them when they grow up. Or maybe its just an inspiring quote.
Your exercise routine. Write down your planned exercise routine.
Your daily statistics. Write down what you did each day, how you did and how you feel. This is very motivating as you will be able to see how your fitness levels are improving.
Daily exercise tips. Write down any tips you read about or hear on television, radio or from friends.

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