Your Guide To Finding A Personal Trainer

January 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Nolan Fisher

Not everyone works out best alone and some individuals need a trainer to give them physical fitness tips and to keep them motivated. If you’re one of those kinds of exercisers, you need to find a personal trainer that would be good for you. But how do you find one and what do you look for?

Fitness trainers come with different specialties. Some train weight lifters while others train the average overweight individual looking to lose weight. Find a trainer who has a focus that matches with your fitness goals. Maybe you know a lot about fitness or maybe you need to go through reviews of exercise bikes and elliptical trainers before you can start. In such a case, you’ll want a trainer who knows a lot about ergonomics and how people exercise. This would be a trainer who is familiar with all of the equipment you will be using.

When you find a trainer that you think will be right for you, check to see if they are certified trainers or not. Certified trainers have been specially trained in health and fitness and may be better for those who have more complicated fitness issues. A noncertified trainer with a lot of experience may not be a bad thing. Ask about how much experience the individual has in fitness training and decide for yourself if they have had enough experience to handle your problem. This isn’t as big an issue with certified trainers but you may prefer that they have a period of experience as well.

When you find a fitness trainer for your personal training, ask about what the fees will be. Some can be as cheap as $ 15 an hour and high end trainers can easily cost $ 100 or more an hour. If cost is important to you, stick to a trainer that falls within your budget. Some trainers have package deals where they’ll give you ten sessions at a lower rate than single sessions. If you know you are going to be going for a long time, take the package plan and save yourself some money.

Having a trainer is like having a personal relationship with someone. You have to be a good client by following through with your trainer’s instructions and working as hard as you can during the work outs. You have to try different things and be able to be flexible as client with what your trainer wants to try.

When you find a personal trainer–the right one–you need to go through what your workouts should look like. The trainer should provide reviews of exercise bikes for you and should give you physical fitness tips. When you set up a schedule, it should include weight work and aerobic or cardio work. You might start out on a recumbent bicycle and then work your way up to an upright cycle, which uses different muscles and which is a better, more rigorous work out. You may start out with weight machines because you can dial in the weight you can tolerate and then when you’re stronger and fit, your trainer may bring you up to free weights and will spot you as you lift the heavier weights.

In some cases, your trainer will work out alongside of you so you can see how someone who works out for a living works out. You can model your training after theirs by watching exactly how they do things.

Finding a fitness trainer for your personal training is a difficult yet rewarding experience. When you find the trainer for you, your workout experience will only be enhanced.

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