Your Six Pack Abs Developing And Abdominal Exercise Equipment

April 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Abdominal Exercises

As many years go by, you have been stronger and developed to strengthen your core. These have ranged from sit ups and leg lifts to reverse crunches. You have to do many excercises aiding in tightening and developing your core and provided good results in achieving a six pack stomach. However, several plyometrics and fitness experts found that the exercise was good for the core however they developed various different abs workout equipment that have enhanced the results based on completing the exercises with a similar effort to the old style.


Maximising the results with completing the same effort has led to the abs workout equipment being popular in many households. However there is such a wide range of abs machines available and the choice of different machines can be confusing. In order to choose which equipment is best for you, it would help to get a better understanding of how the abs workout equipment have evolved.

Here’s a look at the various stages that it went through.


Pre Abs Workout Equipment: Sit-ups and Crunches

Before the first abs workout machine was conceptualized, people were familiar with the importance of building a strong core. To effectively develop these muscles, people used to do sit-ups and crunches over and over. However, it has been discovered that this particular exercise if completed incorrectly causes lower back pain and can create spinal curvature leading to future back problems. The extra strain on the back and neck muscles from incorrectly completing this exercise compensates for the work of the abdominal muscles and minimal abs results were achieved with the disposition of achieving a painful lower and upper back.

Don’t get me wrong completing sit ups and crunches correctly will lead to a strong core and six pack abs being achieved. However complete this exercise incorrectly and you could damage your back and create life-long back pain. If this occurs please consult your health care provider.


Abs Workout Equipment entered the Gyms through All-body Workout Machines

The first abs workout equipment were developed in conjunction with other all in-one equipment. The All-Body workout machines were developed to target several muscle groups including the biceps, triceps, quads and your abdominal muscles. These machines were a great advancement in muscle isolation in the development of these muscles. However these all purpose machines were developed for overall body development and the research didn’t go far enough into developing specific training requirements. They became a “Jack of all Trades and a Master of None”. The machines developed were very large and bulky and took an engineer’s degree to assemble. The price for this equipment was prohibitive and hence they ended up in many gymanasiums around the country.


Abs workout equipment: Tension-Balanced Abs Equipment

Inspired by the idea of counterweights that were developed in the All-Body machines, fitness equipment designers started working on individual machines that target specific muscle groups like the abdominals and oblique’s. This was the official birth of the idea to further develop abdominal exercise equipment.


The first abdominal exercise machines were lightweight, usually foldable and made use of springs and elastics instead of weights which helped address the problem of portability which plagued the initial larger All-purpose machines. These machines forced the user to mimic the action of sit-ups but added difficulty levels in the form of tension settings. They were crude, but they allowed the user to target the abdominal muscles. However these machines didn’t get around the problem of executing the technique correctly. They did provide user guidance with the equipment which was a step in the right direction.


Abdominal Rollers

The continual advancement in the abs workout equipment moved to aid the back problem. To build a machine that provide a safer form of movement that will further develop abdominal muscles without placing further strain on the back. This research led to the development of another abs workout machine called Abdominal Rollers. Like the Tension based Abs equipment, these rollers were also lightweight and priced appropriately for the general public. Simulating the action of crunches instead of sit-ups, these rollers provided greater support for the back and prevented the back and neck muscles from compensating the abdominal muscles. They were safer to utilize and aided the development of core muscles however there were questions raised on whether this equipment was more effective than the previously developed abs workout equipment.


Ab Circle Pro

There have been many new advancements in the abs workout equipment with the final advancement being the Ab Circle Pro. To develop the wash board stomach (Six Pack Abs) look you need to complete effectively three activities.


1. Exercise your Abs
2. Complete a Detailed Cardio exercise to reduce your body fat content (especially around your stomach)
3. Eat a balanced diet


The latest abs workout equipment have been developed with trying to meet the first two criteria shown above. No machine will provide you with a balanced diet so maximising the other 2 activities and providing guidance on number 3 are a sure fire way to developing your Six Pack Abs.


The Ab Circle Pro or similar designed equipment provide a tool to that exercises the abs effectively whilst completing a cardio workout. There have been various review relating to these product(s) and everyone seems to have a different opinion. Is the machine a miracle workout? I would say no. Can the machine provide you with a six pack? I would say yes with the qualification that you must have another detailed cardio workout plan.


Today further research is being conducted in the area of developing abs workout equipment that will provide a good cardio workout whilst working the abs and oblique muscles. There is no sure fire way without hard work and if you aren’t prepared to put in the work then this equipment is not for you. However if your goal is to develop a set of Six Pack Abs then there are lots of different abs workout equipment available that is safe and will build your core bodies strength.


Want to find out more about Abs Workout Equipment, then visit Darryl Jones site on how to develop the best Six Pack Abs for your body.

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