Your Weight Training Diet Starts in the Supermarket

July 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Catherine McCloud

Your Weight Training Diet Starts in the Supermarket – Health – Weight Loss

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The best way to keep junk from appearing on your plate is to keep it out of the house. I know I don’t have the willpower to resist chocolate or garlic bread or some of my other weaknesses once I can smell them in the house. It might seem overly mundane, but improving your grocery shopping can have a positive effect on your fitness goals. Here are some tips to improve your shopping and thus your eating:

1. Don’t Shop Hungry

Plan to do your grocery shopping immediately after eating a meal. Boy is it ever easy to give in to some bad purchases when you are hungry. Arm yourself by shopping on a full stomach.

2. Stick to Your List

When you create your list you are actively thinking about what you NEED. It’s another topic entirely about which items you should add to your list and which you should avoid, but if it didn’t make it on to your list when you were at home, then you must not really need it. Stores are designed to get people to buy things they don’t need… everything from the layout of the store, to the placement of products, to packaging. None of that is arbitrary, and once you are in the store you will not be able to make unbiased decisions about what you actually need anymore. Which is where your pre-approved list comes into importance. If its not on your list, don’t let it into your cart when you are at the store.

3. Explore Other Options

Companies pay good money to have their products placed at your eye-level. Take some time to explore what is a few rows up and a few rows below; you might find that you weren’t necessarily getting the healthiest option. As a kid I would only eat plain chicken that was baked so much it could be pulled into strings. I think this “string chicken” drove my mom nuts, and I gag at the thought now. Another way to expand your options is to explore new foods and new recipes. With the internet you don’t have to limit yourself to just your Grandmother’s recipe box anymore. Make an effort to try a few new healthy recipes and new food types.

4. Read the Labels

Now that you are looking at more options, you will want to read the labels to be sure you are picking the healthiest option. In the beginning this could be a pain, I admit. Over time though, you will know what is what and will need to do this less. Of course, one of the best ways to avoid reading labels is to avoid buying things with labels and therefore sticking with vegetables, fruits, etc, but that is another topic. For instance sugar is rarely written simply as sugar, and is often hidden under names such as high-fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, maltodextrin, any many others.

5. Resist Bargains and Sales

Who doesn’t love a good sale? We’re programmed to buy things that are marked “on sale”… probably even to the point of disregarding whether the price is actually discounted beyond the usual price or not. Unfortunately in the grocery store, reduced price very often equates itself to reduced quality. Go back to your list! You can save money by planning your purchases for when things are on sale, but ignoring your list just because something is on sale can be dangerous to your diet. Once it gets into your house it is most likely to get eaten, and you are just setting yourself up for failure. This is doubly damaging if you decide to “stock up” on sale items that aren’t on your list. If something can last in the pantry for months you have to wonder just how healthy it is for you.

I hope these tips will help you become a smarter food shopper. Protect your grocery cart and protect your diet.

About the Author

If you are liked these tips then check out the free fat-loss report at MyBellyFatLossSecrets for 27 unique methods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat.

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Catherine McCloud

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If you are liked these tips then check out the free fat-loss report at MyBellyFatLossSecrets for 27 unique methods that will boost your metabolism and help you lose that belly fat.

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