5 Dumbbell Exercises for Explosive Muscle Growth

March 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Mark Reese

Fitness experts have always debated as to which exercise provides the better muscle growth, free weights like dumbbell exercises or stationary weights like most gym equipment. I believe free weights or dumbbells win hands-down every time. Any method of workout that works more than one muscle at a time has to benefit more than a stationary machine.

Below I will provide some dumbbell exercises that will give you explosive muscle growth and muscle control. After all, what good are big bulky muscles if every time you try to use those muscles you are fumbling all over the place. I have seen guys with massive bulky muscles that can barely tie their own shoes they are so uncoordinated.

For a better overall fitness level you want to work the tiny muscles that surround and support your larger muscles. Complete and coordinated control at all times is what you need and dumbbells are the best way to achieve this.

Bicep Curl

Bicep curls are the best exercise to strengthen your bicep muscles. Remember, always make sure you rotate your arms well when doing bicep curls to get the most benefit from these exercises. Exhale when you bring the dumbbell up and really squeeze your biceps to get explosive muscle growth.

Inhale when lowering the weight and still use your muscles to guide the weight back down. Never let gravity pull it down for you, control the lowering and continue working the bicep on the way down.

Triceps Kickback or Reverse Curl

Triceps are the long lean muscle at the back of your upper arm opposite the front bicep muscle. Take the dumbbell in your hand, lean over a bench or chair if you are at home, raise your elbow so it touches your side, then slowly lift the dumbbell back while straitening your arm out past your butt while doing so.

Really squeeze the triceps as your arm becomes fully extended and then hold for a second or two. Holding and squeezing will really help with muscle growth, control and strength. You will also really feel “the burn” when doing it this way, which is really great for muscle growth. Then lower your arm back down, again resisting the weight and not letting gravity do all the return work.

Dumbbell Bench Press

The dumbbell bench press is great for really defining your chest muscles and getting that rock hard look. Lie down on a flat bench, rise the weight straight up in the air with a dumbbell in each hand and touching. Lower the weights straight down so they almost touch your chest while your arms drop down below you sides.

Inhale while lowering the dumbbell and resist the weights until they almost reach your chest, now lift the weights and exhale at the same time fully extending your arms above your chest.

Dumbbell Fly Lift

The fly lift is very similar to the bench press. You lay flat on your back in the same starting position with the weights held above your chest with your arms fully extended. However, this time instead of lowering the weight straight down, bring your arms out to the side.

Line-up you upper arms with your chest and create a 90 degree at your elbow. Exhale as you return the weight to the starting position above your chest and repeat. Again really squeeze your chest as you do so and hold for a couple seconds.

Dumbbell Row

Position your arm so it is fully extended with the dumbbell almost touching the floor. Lift the weight so that your arm slides past past your side and lift the dumbbell up as high as you can until it touches your chest at the nipple area, hold. Exhale while doing so and then slowly lower the weights again with your arm fully extended and weight just above the floor.

Safety & Warm-Up

Make sure when you are doing dumbbell exercises to have lots of room and don’t use a weight that is too heavy for your strength level. Always warm-up and loosen the muscles before you lift any weights. Warming up will prevent injury and allow you to lift more weight and give you explosive muscle growth.

By no means are those tips the complete puzzle. If you really want to explode your results with Dumbbell Exercises, click here at http://www.idealbodyformen.com/ and sign up for my FREE 7 part E-course. Together we can change your body and life forever. Stay strong.

Mark found himself in the same position as about 80% of the population, overweight, out of shape, and not having enough time in his busy day to spend hours at the gym to change it. Well, after several years of personally trying, testing and perfecting different methods and course’s, Mark has finally discovered a sure-fire way to keep fit and healthy every day without having to spend hour’s working-out at home or at the gym. After testing it out with his friends and family members who saw how effective Mark’s system was to fit into their busy daily schedule as well, they encouraged Mark to build on his system and share it with the world. Several months later Mark had compiled his methods and routines and called it the Ideal Fitness System at http://www.idealbodyformen.com/ Since then thousands have shared in Mark’s success and used the system for themselves to transform their bodies and lives to live a happier, healthier, more fit and productive lifestyle. I have used the Ideal Fitness System myself now for about 6 months and I LOVE it. I invite anyone who is serious about attaining the ideal body and fitness level that we all deserve and check out Mark’s system and try his FREE 7 part E-course for yourself, the results will amaze you. Stay strong and fit. Thanks.

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