7 Easy Upper Body Exercises For Women

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

A women’s body has an entirely different orientation than a man’s body. The center of balance is lower, the sense of balance is different and the ways women walk, sit and stand are all different because of the entirely different shape each gender is supporting. And as such, the exercises for women are also different.

Basic Upper Body Exercises:

There are several very easy exercises you can perform to tone your upper body. Let’s look at some of these in more detail below:

Push Ups: – Pushups are an old standby for toning the arms and shoulders. You must perform at least 10 to 20 push ups daily. You may increase the number once you have built some stamina. Most of the women’s face difficulties in performing a standard push up. To perform a modified push up, simply push up from your knees to your arms instead of placing your weight on your hands and feet.

Most women can do a push up in this position.

Triceps Dips: – Triceps push downs is the another exercise you can perform for improving the size & shape of your arms. To perform this exercise, you would need to sit on a strong chair or bench. Place your hands on the edge of the chair and point the fingers forward. Now start lifting your back and bend down towards the ground and then get back to the original position. This is an excellent exercise for toning the arms.

Bicep Curls: –
Bicep Curls is one of the best exercises which you can perform safely and easily from the comfort of your own home. In case you do not have a set of barbells, you may work out with the milk jug by filling them with water.  Lowering down is as important as lifting weight. By doing so you would evenly spread the weight bearing exercise to your arms.

Chest Exercises: – Hands wide pushups & Hand pushes in front of your body are the 2 great exercises for women’s if you want to uplift your breasts and enhance cleavage… so give them a try for a couple weeks.

Back Exercises: – This upper body workout for women helps them get rid of the back pain. Even if you are healthy, it would help you prevent it.

Shoulder Workout: – Biceps and triceps exercises would help you gain strength for your shoulders.

Cardio and Stretching Exercises: –
These would help you lose the extra flab and also helps in boosting the metabolism.

So these are some upper body exercises that can help you to shape your chest, back, shoulders and arms. In order to tone your body completely, you must do exercises that shape the upper as well as the lower body. Workout for women is slightly different from men. This is because women have different reasons for their weight gain; they have different problems associated to extra fat. They must focus on exercising for their upper body. This would help you get rid of flabby arms & weak chest muscles.

The author is health & fitness fanatic. He thinks that exercise must be done regularly to maintain healthy life because healthy mind stays in healthy body. Exercise done in the morning keeps you fresh & energetic throughout the day.

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